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Date Posted: 02:25:05 10/28/04 Thu
Author: Chris
Subject: Example from Mark 4
In reply to: Brother in Christ 's message, "Re: New thread on doctrine" on 09:23:05 10/25/04 Mon

Here is another passage from a Chicago UBF message on Mark 4:21-34, Key Verses: 4:31-32.

Many missionaries are tourist missionaries. They claim they are missionaries because they traveled to a certain country. This tells us America' spiritual condition. School prayer is forbidden. Many UBF members have been arrested and put in jail overnight simply because they preached the gospel to students. This is America' spiritual condition. As soon as UBF ministry started, deprogrammers and kidnappers attacked UBF. They offended children's parents and took children away one by one. Altogether maybe 21 members, only from Chicago UBF, were brainwashed and indoctrinated to be anti-Christians and enemies of UBF.

This has not so much to do with doctrine, but it shows how supposed "Bible messages" are used to manipulate and indoctrinate.

In the first two sentences, people are made believe that American missionaries are not real missionaries, only UBF missionaries are real missionaries.

Then he makes a sweeping statement that America's spiritual condition is bad.

Then he draws the conclusion that UBF is prosectuted, not because they use cult methods, but because they "simply preached the gospel."

The sentence "Many UBF members have been arrested and put in jail overnight simply because they preached the gospel to students." is a blatant lie. Not many were arrested over night. It only happened a few times, but never because somebody simply preached the gospel, but, for instance, because Samuel Lee had beaten Jonathan R. as part of his cult "training." Would anybody honestly believe that you are put in jail overnight in the USA, simply because you preach the gospel to students? Ridiculous.

Then, the passage about deprogrammers and kidnappers. First, these people were hired by the parents themselves, because they saw no other way to get their children out of the UBF cult, they did not "offend children's parents." Second, it is interesting to see that UBF claims that an extremely efficient brainwashing and indoctrination is possible in only one or a few days during an intervention with a deprogrammer. But when it comes to UBF, they claim that brainwashing and indoctrination is not possible, even though the members are exposed to extreme 1:1 pressure, group pressure, spiritual pressure, authoritarian pressure and cult mind control methods the whole week for several years! Some UBF apologists who came to this forum even pointblank denied that brainwashing and indoctrination is even possible. Again, I ask those people to explain why then UBF claims that dropouts have been "brainwashed."

Here is another lie from Samuel Lee in his Chicago UBF message on Mark 6:30-44, Key Verse: 6:37a.

UBF missionaries are not supported; they are all self-supporting.

This is simply not true. My chapter leader was not self-supporting. Neither he nor his wife worked, they were payed from our offering moneys plus addentional annual bonus extra collections.

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