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Date Posted: 22:50:05 10/28/04 Thu
Author: rsqarchive
Subject: Re: Mark 6:30-44 & absolute obedience nonsense
In reply to: rsqarchive 's message, "Mark 6:30-44 & absolute obedience nonsense" on 22:15:46 10/28/04 Thu

>Here is a passage from a Chicago UBF message on Mark
>6:30-44, Key Verse: 6:37a.

This is where the popular UBF theme of "YOU give them something to eat..." comes from. The "key verse" that is always chosen is 37a. The clear emphasis is on YOU doing something, on YOU being a "good shepherd" to a set number of "sheep", on YOU "challenging an impossible situation (often a numeric goal)", on YOU bringing your "five loaves and two fish" (often a numeric goal). UBF's application of this passage seeks to put the focus decidedly on YOU, with some lip service to Christ.

That is how this passage is flimsily tied to absolute obedience. YOU are the focus. YOU have to "experience the power of God in an impossible situation" -- perhaps register 2 more people for the conference tonight "by any means", perhaps quit a job to have more time for UBF, perhaps risk alienting your parents further to have more time for UBF -- through obedience. Obedience to what or to whom? UBF says it is obedience to the "word of God", but that obedience to the "word of God" always seems to take the form of what has been dubbed systematic obedience training".

>It has 5 times the word
>"obedience," 3 times "absolute obedience."

>"It is important for each of us to experience the
>power of God through absolute obedience. Those who do
>not experience the power of God through absolute
>obedience remain as old wineskin Christians or like
>one of the Pharisees. Without experiencing the power
>of God through absolute obedience, anyone becomes
>powerless, even to attend Sunday worship service. He
>is even more powerless to study for his final. He
>remains as a permanent student in a junior college. We
>have seen so many young and handsome and dynamic
>students. They look so gorgeous. But we find that so
>many of them have remained in junior college for five
>to seven years; still they are freshmen. These days,
>the word "obedience" is taboo to many young people.
>But without obedience to the word of God, we cannot
>experience the power of God nor can we be normal human
>beings who can maintain our families properly. We have
>seen so many couples. Both husband and wife are
>godless and they are always nagging love from each
>other. Finally, they break up. These days we are very
>sorry that there are so many divorces. But all the
>divorces are the work of demons."

>Matthew Henry's commentary on that section, I do
>not find the words "absolute obedience," I do not even
>find the word "obedience."

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