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Date Posted: 02:57:56 10/30/04 Sat
Author: Bob2
Subject: Re: Matt 6:33 misapplication
In reply to: Bob2 's message, "Re: Matt 6:33 misapplication" on 02:40:04 10/30/04 Sat

In retrospect this application shows Samuel Lee's perverse and ungodly thought world. In it he implies that a heart obedience to Mt 6:33 will lead to a UBF style form of campus evangelism clothed with the robes of glory and honour. Clearly, this promise of Jesus implies nothing of the kind.

By the same token, Lee implies imminent ill health, dishonour, poverty and bitterness for the one who does not heart obey this verse. Again Jesus word implies nothing of the kind. It would seem that Lee's false interpreation of this verse has led him into a false application of stark rewards and punishments for lack of adherance to it.

In addition to abusing many people who are believing Christians who have illness and poverty, Lee's aplication must place a mountain of doubt into the hearts of those people who while trusting in Jesus' kingdom are unable to bear the same fruit as the young medical student who now has a thousand disciples in his pocket. I think this lends itself to the whole spectre of "conditional" salvation and dispair.

>Hi all,
>In 1993 at the UBF MSU Summer Bible Conference Teddy
>Hembekides delivered a message entitled the "The
>Christ of God" (Lk 9:18-27) with the following
>misapplication of Mt 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom
>and his righteousness and all these things will be
>given to you as well" on page 6.
>"To "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness"
>sounds beautiful and easy. So many people choose this
>verse as their yearly key verse. One man chose this
>key verse. He even wrote a book urging that this
>promise is true. But in the hidden corner of his heart
>he wanted worldly popularity and recognition. His life
>was not better than those hypocritical people. God did
>not bless his family. He gothigh blood pressure and
>became overweight. So he could not eat as he wanted.
>his wife got stomach ulcers. So she could not eat and,
>as a result, her face was covered with splotches. When
>he was dismissed from the presidency of a university,
>even an office boy did not listen to him. So he became
>a bitter man. On the other hand, one young man gave up
>his medical school career and engaged in campus
>evangelism. He suffered alot. But now he has thousands
>of disciples in Jesus. He is happy and eats an
>enormous amount of food, making alot of "chop-chop
>Misapplications galor. Seek first God's kingdom and
>engage in UBF campus one-to-one or become an
>overweight, ulcerated hypertensive, unemployed, bitter
>and dishonored man. Obey UBf direction and have
>thousands of disciples and human honor.
>>Recently I have been reading some Bible commentaries
>>by the likes of William Henry and Charles Spurgeon, to
>>name a few.
>>From the first words of any outside commentary you can
>>see just how different UBF ibterpretations are then
>>what bible scholars say. Who do you believe numerous
>>Bible scholars or UBF people with no Biblical
>>training/schooling. I once mentioned something in a
>>testimony and my fellowship leader told me how that
>>was an imaginative interpretation. I told him I cannot
>>take credit for that I read it from a message
>>delivered by Spurgeon so if it is good/bad/indifferent
>>give credit to Spurgeon. This shows the exact problem
>>with UBF, nobody really has a clue about what the
>>Bible actually really means.
>>I noticed how UBF misses and just ignores the main
>>point in so many passages. I also saw how they make up
>>points to make it seem like they are so smart. I think
>>it would be interesting to see some examples of that
>>posted here.
>>Besides the obvious misinterpretations of Rebekah and
>>the Samaritan woman passages what other passages does
>>UBF clearly not get it.
>>I especially see they totally miss the point when it
>>comes to prophecy passages and passages on leaders
>>morals. I have a couple very clear examples in mind
>>but i want to see what you people experienced, i bet
>>someone will mention what i am thinking about.
>>Please back your examples with a clear quote or
>>sentance from a noted scholar. Lets also not get into
>>controversial passages but passages that are so clear
>>it is actually funny how UBF twists the meanings.
>>Please try to be as short and concise as possible as I
>>know this can be a long thread.

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