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Date Posted: 13:02:26 10/30/04 Sat
Author: Bob2
Subject: Re: Hebrews 12:7,8 Divine Discipline
In reply to: Bob2 's message, "Re: Hebrews 12:7,8 Divine Discipline" on 12:48:54 10/30/04 Sat

In this quotation any UBF listener will immediately understand that "divine disciple" is something that is to be imposed upon him by "God's servant" or the UBF shepherd/missionary/director etc. One who accepts this training is successful like David, one who does not accept it is a failure like Saul.

There is the chilling point about Samuel giving Saul "some waiting training". Any UBFer would understand this to be Samuel Lee giving some sort of training, like say "bouncing ball training". The between-the-lines point is that the UBF leader is the servant of God like Samuel and must be obeyed. The UBF sheep must accept the UBF servant of God's training because it is "divine disciple". Where is God in all this?

>A quoation taken from a message on Hebrews 12:1-17
>delivered at hamilton UBF January 1st, 1996, on Divine
>"Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as
>sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?
>If you are not diciplined (and everyone undergoes
>discipline) then you are illigimate children and not
>true children and not true sons" (Heb 12:6,7)
>[UBF application]
>"God's discipline ot training is necessary. In the
>book of 1 Samuel, we can see the difference discipline
>makes. Eli's sons were undisciplined; they were
>miserable failures, and God blamed their father who
>did not discipline them. The great contrast in this
>book, however, is between Saul and David. Saul was a
>handsome, able man. He had a charasmatic
>experience and the Spirit of God was with him to
>change him from a petty man into a man of mission. But
>he did not receive Samuel's or God's training. Once,
>Samuel gave him dome "waiting" training. He couldn't
>wait. In his impatience, he usurped the priviledge of
>the servant of God and offered a sacrifice himself. It
>was a small thing, but it revealed his arrogance. He
>was given another training assignment --tho be God's
>instrument of judgement on the Amelekites. He
>calculated about this and that and did it in his own
>way. He thought he did well, but in God's eyes, he had
>failed. Samuel rebuked him severely and told him,
>"Rebellion is like sin of divination, and arrogance
>like the evil of idolatry." (1Sa 15:23) With out
>divine discipline, man becomes useless and harmful. On
>the other hand, God trained David in the wilderness.
>He loved God and honored him and accepted God's
>training and grew in faith and dependence on God in
>prayer until he could be the real shepherd of God's
>>Recently I have been reading some Bible commentaries
>>by the likes of William Henry and Charles Spurgeon, to
>>name a few.
>>From the first words of any outside commentary you can
>>see just how different UBF ibterpretations are then
>>what bible scholars say. Who do you believe numerous
>>Bible scholars or UBF people with no Biblical
>>training/schooling. I once mentioned something in a
>>testimony and my fellowship leader told me how that
>>was an imaginative interpretation. I told him I cannot
>>take credit for that I read it from a message
>>delivered by Spurgeon so if it is good/bad/indifferent
>>give credit to Spurgeon. This shows the exact problem
>>with UBF, nobody really has a clue about what the
>>Bible actually really means.
>>I noticed how UBF misses and just ignores the main
>>point in so many passages. I also saw how they make up
>>points to make it seem like they are so smart. I think
>>it would be interesting to see some examples of that
>>posted here.
>>Besides the obvious misinterpretations of Rebekah and
>>the Samaritan woman passages what other passages does
>>UBF clearly not get it.
>>I especially see they totally miss the point when it
>>comes to prophecy passages and passages on leaders
>>morals. I have a couple very clear examples in mind
>>but i want to see what you people experienced, i bet
>>someone will mention what i am thinking about.
>>Please back your examples with a clear quote or
>>sentance from a noted scholar. Lets also not get into
>>controversial passages but passages that are so clear
>>it is actually funny how UBF twists the meanings.
>>Please try to be as short and concise as possible as I
>>know this can be a long thread.

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