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Date Posted: 09:06:26 12/02/04 Thu
Author: Brother in Christ
Subject: Re: Thoughts
In reply to: UBF member 's message, "Thoughts" on 02:08:13 12/02/04 Thu

UBF member,

Don't take what J.H. did as being anything special. It just goes back to what I said in a previous post UBF only pushes as much as you let them and as much as you are committed to UBF.

I know of the couples you mention, please correct me if I am wrong. Were not the couple that dated for six years dating before they came to UBF. It is not like they met in UBF and were allowed to date. Also it is not like they were "solid" members who shared at the friday meeting or anything like that. They are what i will call fringe members. No disrespect to them but you know what i mean.

And the guy who married outside of UBF. Didn't he also know/date this girl before he came to UBF. You are confusing "fringe" members rights with those who are more into it. A committed/controled member would never have such rights and you know it.

UBF always will and has officiated such fringe members weddings. It is a way they try to get ligitimitcy. Also you mention that J.H. officiated these marriages. If these marriages were so excepted by mainstream UBF, then why did Ron Ward not officiate. Why were they done sort of hush hush on the side. I don't remember either of these people getting married in a traditional UBF setting.

I admire J.H. for trying to do what was right and trying to bless these couples regardless of UBF views on marriage. But to try to pass these off as things are changing? I am sorry this is not the case.

>I thought I would write some of my thoughts down. I
>apologize if it doenst make sense.
>I am a college member of UBF from Chicago. After the
>MSU conference, I went to New Jersey to join an
>orchestra camp in which Peter Chang from Bonn, Germany
>was administering "training". I was totally shocked to
>see the fear tactics used and the amount of influence
>Dr. Peter Chang had. I was probably more angry and
>worried that these children, some not even teenagers,
>whom I would consider my brothers and sisters were
>being told what to do and how to do something, even if
>it did not make sense. However, I was probably most
>angry because this was not the character of UBF that I
>knew as a child, teenager and adult.
>I know many people dont like UBF, no wait, many people
>HATE UBF. But speaking the truth, my experience in New
>Jersey was a totally new experience. These days in
>Chicago, I believe in my heart that the work of God is
>going on and there are changes that are being made,
>many of which I believe are a direct result of rsqubf.
>I guess in this way, I am thankful for all of you,
>even if it may not make sense. I am especially
>thankful for those that recognize that there are some
>real Christians in UBF and do what they do to help
>these real Christians (I believe Amy Young said this).
>Some changes include changes in the ways marriages are
>being administered. Two members of missionary J.H.'s
>fellowship married each other by their own choosing.
>They were openly dating during their 6 year stay in
>ubf. They asked JH to officiate their wedding, which
>he gladly did. One other "shepherd" in JHs fellowship
>(of several years) married a woman of God outside of
>UBF, under the blessings of ubf leaders. The couple
>asked JH to officiate the wedding which took place in
>Oregon. He gladly accepted. This couple will leave to
>Texas eventually, under the blessing of UBF leaders. I
>was baptized within UBF with 24 other members not too
>long ago. Some would strongly argue against this, but
>we accepted baptism from Christ and the Holy Spirit,
>not from a member of an organization. I am not
>boasting for UBF,rather thank God that his work is
>being done! Light and darkness cannot be at the same
>place at the same time.
>I am deeply sorry for those that were hurt in UBF and
>pray that God may heal them quickly and fully and that
>he alone may judge those that inflicted harm on these
>people. Thank you all for what you have given ubf.

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  • Re: Thoughts -- Joe Chung, 09:09:08 12/02/04 Thu

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