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Date Posted: 09:27:42 12/02/04 Thu
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Don't gloss over tremendous danger at ubf
In reply to: UBF member 's message, "Thoughts" on 02:08:13 12/02/04 Thu

Thanks for visiting this forum.

There is always alot more going on behind the scenes than what the average Joe member is able to see or is told. I think you are trying to say that are very fundamental changes going on there, and that marriage at ubf is a barometer of the change? Is that right? It could be, but just providing a couple sentences or anecdotes does not mean fundmental change.

Marriage is very seriuos issue. In the past at ubf, the leaders treated the young recruits, myself included, as some of kind of pawns in a ttibute to themselves. The whole marriage process was built around giving glory to the leader who 'raised' the couple, demanding a wedding git (cash only) for performing the ceremony, and expecting the couple to be loyal and obedient to them the rest o ftheir lives, and knock themselves out doing ubf activites the rest of their lives, even to the point of child neglect, abortions, abandonment, divorce, etc.

These same leaders are still at the ubf. They excuse themselves saying that Sammule Lee is dead, but they have rejected their own participation in the ubf marriage machine.

Looking ot the future, there is still plenty of danger in participating in ubf with its marriage machine. If the ubf does not stop its cult activities and cult mentality, ther ewil still be just as much damage and destruction.

Here is a partial list of dangers that are inherent with getting married in a cult group:

1. cult leader is the most imprtant figure in the marrige, tho he is not part of the family

2. cult leader interferes in all stages of marriage and family to ensure the couple does not have authentic, intimate life together. Outward appearance only is the norm.

3. cult leaders almost always match people together who are incomaptible. Couple tries to stay together for children or to remain in group. Real personal happiness is a lost cause.

4. the only motivation for a cult leader to allow a marriage is to build up the group numbers, which equates to more power, money, and praise to the group leader.

5. the cult leader frequently uses marriages to solve immigration issues, ignoring the tremendous language and cultural barriers, and providing no support to vercome these barriers. Plus, they may be coercing the couple to do this illegally.

6. when cult leader interferes in the marriage process, it is a pure power play, to remind the recruits how lowly they are, and how high and mighty the cult leader is.

There are even more issues after the marriage, such as cult leaders interfering with the family in a million ways (inclduing how to raise the children, this is where PChang is the Oberfuhrer) The cult leader interference will put huge strains on all family members. Parents are made to feel ungodly for taking care of their own children. Except of course for the leader or close lackeys. Many cults, like Bonn ubf, have all the children calling the cult leader as their father (grandfather in the case of Pchang.)

The destructive aspects of ubfmarriage and life at ubf are far greater than any constructive aspects there. The only reasonable solution is to get into a healthy church for the family, and go to a reputable place like Moody to learn the Bible correctly. Just leave the ubf. There is nothing wrong in walking out on them. They are deceptive at every level, so they only have themselves to blame. Do yourself a favor and go to Moody, even secretly, and you will open your eyes and see. God bless you.

moody.edu look for continuing education.

It is also very proper for mere human beings like us to judge and expose the ubf. It is not something to hide untill Jesus comes again in glory to judge the lving and the dead. I suspect ubf teaches that "it is God alone who will judge us." Almost all cults say this, no reputable Christian groups say this. Another sign that ubf is only a cult.

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