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Date Posted: 10:44:06 12/03/04 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Sounds like you might be over-optimistic
In reply to: UBF member 's message, "Thoughts" on 02:08:13 12/02/04 Thu

Dear UBF Member. Thanks for writing here. I appreciate your thoughts and respect the opinions you stated. However, I would like to suggest that you may be over-optimistic about the "changes" happening in UBF. I will attempt to explain what I mean by this.

>I was totally shocked to
>see the fear tactics used and the amount of influence
>Dr. Peter Chang had. I was probably more angry and

Do you understand that hundreds, literally hundreds, of UBF "missionaries" and "shepherds" in the USA (many in Chicago) and around the world use these same tactics (although less extreme) to manipulate their "sheep?"

>I know many people dont like UBF, no wait, many people

Yes, I hate UBF and the wide path of destruction it has left behind in its wake. I am angry not only because I was so cruelly abused, but because I saw the same thing happening to so many others. And I know that the same kind of abuse continues today.

>These days in
>Chicago, I believe in my heart that the work of God is
>going on and there are changes that are being made,
>many of which I believe are a direct result of rsqubf.

I find it hard to believe that things are going this way in Chicago, considering that only a couple years ago it was the center of Chang Woo Lee's evil dictatorship. I mean, if Kim Jong-Il were ousted from North Korea, you wouldn't expect things to be all rosy a couple years after.

>I am especially
>thankful for those that recognize that there are some
>real Christians in UBF and do what they do to help
>these real Christians (I believe Amy Young said this).

Certainly there are some real Christians in UBF. I think they would be much happier out of UBF and would be much more "real" out of UBF. That has been my experience.

>Some changes include changes in the ways marriages are
>being administered.

Do these "changes" seem to be limited to "missionary" J.H.'s "fellowship," or have you heard of more widespread change?

The "changes" you have described are like a drop in a bucket. UBF is a bucket of dirty water. When you put a drop of clean water in a bucket of dirty water, you still have a bucket of dirty water. There are two ways to resolve the matter. Either spill out the bucket completely and start with clean water (eg. completely dissolve UBF as I had described in another post). Or you let the sediment settle to the bottom and siphon off the clean water at the top. (This would be analagous to UBF admitting to its wrongdoing, correcting its own doctrine, establishing accountability, and purging and repudiating those who violate the rules.) So far what you describe happening sounds nothing like this.

Again, I tell you that there are at least a hundred Peter Chang-like people in UBF USA. I would appeal to you and those in your fellowship to take action against these people. I would encourage you to appeal to your leaders (eg. J.H.) to publicly denounce such practices as arranged marriages and coercive manipulation.

>I am deeply sorry for those that were hurt in UBF and
>pray that God may heal them quickly and fully and that
>he alone may judge those that inflicted harm on these

Thank you for your prayers. Please also pray, as I do, that UBF leaders such as Barry will admit all their wrongdoings, apologize and repent.

I am sure that God will judge the unrepentant authority abusers in UBF. Although I am angered by what they do, I pity them because they are so deceived and they have sold their souls for a lie.

Anonymous ex-UBFer

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