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Date Posted: 13:45:03 12/09/04 Thu
Author: Brother in Christ
Subject: Re: broader ban on American culture in general
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "broader ban on American culture in general" on 13:10:30 12/05/04 Sun

Nick is so true with what he says here. UBF totally hates and wants to replace American culture with UBF Korean culture. I have couple examples that used to really irritate me.

1) they are totally against American sports. I also remember the Super Bowl Satan garbage. But yet I always wondered if following sports was so unspiritual how did these "spiritual men" even know when the SuperBowl was or even what it was. American Football is not played in Korea, but yet they know so much about it..Hmmm. Also they were so hypocritical about sports. When the world cup was in Korea they never stopped talking about it, even they made it a prayer topic that Korea would beat the USA. Worst of all a lot of stupid Americans even prayed for that, i mean stupid because they were so easily manipulated to tu on their own country and people. (i did not). They, Koreans, rationalized it by saying Americans need to be humbled. They all wlaked around in those red and white "Be the Reds" t-shirts. Man i really grew to hate those shirts. One day i came to the center with my softball park district shirt on and everyone looked at me like I was wearing a I love Satan shirt or something.

I remember once at a summer conference or maybe it was Easter we had a soccer game against another fellowship and they tried to get me to wear one of those red "Be the Reds" shirts and I totally refused. They thought it was because i did not like the color red, but i told them i will wear red, if white and blue is with it also. I said I am an American I don't wear other countries colors!

Funny it was Ok to play soccer, a less American sport and if you wore the colors of Korea, but mention any other sport and its Taboo. I am sure you all experienced much teh same. Would love to hear your Sports stories.

Also a big prayer topic was in condemning the three "S's" of America, Sports, Sex and Speed. They even catagorized sports as being immoral. I better stop here.

>That observation about modern and even secular music
>is pretty accurate. To me, it seemed like a broader
>ban on all forms of American culture. Not just music,
>but American movies, entertainment, sports, fashion,
>slang, etc. ubf is pretty much against everything
>American. Even having a normal Americn job was
>treated as a sin against God.
>Here are some of the ways that American culture was
>treated with contempt.
>Super Bowl Satan - on the Sunday of the Super Bowl, EE
>would try to make some distraction such as a piano
>concert, special music, etc. And everyone was pushed
>to bring people to the ubf in order to fight against
>"Super Bowl Satan".
>ban on all American sporting events - anyone who went
>to a baseball (or whatever) game was considered
>unspiritual. It later got to the point that going to
>a sporting event showed a person to be an Easu.
>However, when Korean athletes did well at the
>Olympics, or the World Cup Soccer, the ubfKoreans
>spoke how "God gave us victory". For ubfKoreans,
>sports was a sign of their greatness, for Americans
>sports was the seal of Esau.
>ban on American fashion - from the very beginning, ubf
>has always forced Americans to rid themselves of
>contemporary clothing. When I was recruited, I wore
>nice polo shirts and what not. Then ubfKoreans
>criticized my clothes as those of a macho man, so I
>needed to get some plain, collared shirts, and some
>ugly ties. Then I was called a 'shepherd' and
>spiritual. And on Sunday I was only allowed to wear a
>plain white shirt, as colors or pinstripes were
>ban on American movies - nobody even had time to go to
>the theatre to see recent movies. Instead, the ubf
>program was to watch a slew of lame movies that EE
>Chang Woo picked. You may have heard or seen them.
>'Uncommon Valor" "Karate Kid" "Quiet Man" "Seargent
>York", the Bible movies with Charlton Heston, and a
>few others. All other American movies were deemed
>corrupt and had the power to damn anyone who watched
>them. American TV was banned as totally corrupt.
>ban on American news - nobody at ubf seemed to know
>anything about the news scene, on a local or national
>or international level. Instead, when EE spoke during
>announcements he gave the ubfins all they need to know
>about what was going on in the whole world. Ee knew
>nothing except what he read in Time magazine. The ban
>on news was complete. While in ubf I did not read a
>paper or watch any news show for at least five years
>while in ubf. The only news item I can remember from
>those times is the story of John Tower, which was made
>a huge deal at ubf but actually was like nothing on
>the normal peoples' news radar. Not jsut me, the
>entire ubf was the same, totally in the dark.
>I could go on and on. ubf is anti-social,
>anti-American, and pretty much anti anything that is
>not ubf. There is nothing from the Bible that would
>justify their anti-American attitudes. And at the
>same time they are so pro-Korean, though Korean
>culture is very dark in many ways such as abortion,
>opposition to adoption, corrupt system of elder
>authority, lack of charity and honesty and humility,
>As Americans, we have things to repent of and to be
>humble about. It is just not appropriate or healthy
>to be turned into anti-American, esp. by very
>hypocritical people like EE Chang Woo and his

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