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Date Posted: 01:28:06 01/27/05 Thu
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: Not seeing the whole picture
In reply to: PECAS 's message, "Not seeing the whole picture" on 19:34:53 01/26/05 Wed

My chapter director responded to my criticisms that I was not looking at the whole picture from God's point of view. This is one of the tactics of UBF leaders: deflect all criticism as just superficial people who refuse to see the big picture. Does anyone else have a similar experience?

Yes, "you have to look at it from God's perspective" or "you have to see the whole" was a standard pattern of UBF manipulation. I say manipulation because it was always implied that UBF's perspective was congruent with God's perspective and the whole perspective.

Also, it was always implied that I actually could not make any decision, because I was not in possession of the "whole picture." Even when the reform movement started and I told my chapter director about my concerns based on the articles I had read on reformubf.org and ubf2000.de (the American and German websites of the reformers at that time), he told me that I could not make any conclusions because I did not have "the whole picture." He however – so he told me – was able to see the whole people because he had "not only read the American and German web sites, but also the Korean web sites".

(Funny side mark: Later in Bible study, his wife told me that I should not read the Internet so much. My response was that her husband told me he read even more in the Internet, because he read also the Korean sites. The she replied that was his own sake. Whereto I replied that I considered it strange that she was more concerned about me than about her own husband who seemed to have the same problem. She couldn't answer.)

A Korean woman told me a similar thing. One "big shot" from Chicago visited our chapter and talked with her, when she was already "on the leave." She told him about the defects in character of Samuel Lee, as visible in many of his actions and writings, whereto he answered that she did not know him as well as he who had lived so close to him in Chicago for many years. Again, it was implied that she was not able to make any conclusion about Samuel Lee, because of lack of information. According to that logic, only his closest lackeys were allowed to make conclusions about his character.

So the message is that we rank-and-file people cannot make any conclusions and should not have any thoughts of our own, because we do not have all information and are not able to think from God's perspective. On the other side, we shouldn't try to solve the problem by improving our information and thinking, but by blindly trusting the leaders who "know it all".

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