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Date Posted: 09:12:31 08/04/04 Wed
Author: Amy
Subject: Re: How Was the Conference?
In reply to: Amy Young 's message, "Re: How Was the Conference?" on 07:37:35 08/04/04 Wed

Jim and I were able to hand out a lot of leaflets and talk to a lot of people. The strategy of the UBF Koreans (like last year at Wheaton) was to re-direct traffic away from us or at other times to encircle us so we couldn't talk to and hand out the material to newer, younger members. The UBF Koreans were pretty angry when I broke free of their circle and continued to hand stuff out. So then they kept telling everyone not to take our leaflets. If someone did take our leaflet they would either ask for it or just take it away from people and throw them away. When the Koreans did that I told the people, "This is information they don't want you to find out about" or "You have freedom of choice to choose if you want to take it; don't let them decide for you". Also, some people went out of their way to come over and get a leaflet to read; some were really interested to hear what we had to say.

Here are a few things UBF people had to say:

Abraham Lincoln (fellowship leader in Chicago UBF &, sorry to say, a disgrace to the name Abraham Lincoln): When I told him about the ordered abortions & divorces, he kept saying, "I don't care. I don't care". I replied something like, "WHAT? How can you say you don't care about those people who suffered so much?" He kept on saying, "I don't care". When I tried to say to him, "The Bible says... (about abortion- Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:5 and God hates divorce- Malachi 2:16)" Lincoln said, "This conference is not about the Bible." Again, I couln't believe his outrageous statement. I said, "WHAT? This conference is not about the Bible?..." In the end I just said to him, "You're right this conference is NOT about the Bible (implying the top leaders are definitely NOT obeying the Bible)". I was flabberghasted by his responses. They were so outrageous and ridiculous.

David Won (Chicago UBF): He basically said we were only remembering the 5% of bad things and that I should instead be thankful for the 95% of good things.

Another Korean "missionary"-- he refused to tell me his name, but he was standing right next to David Won (Jim thought he saw the name Daniel embroidered on his shirt): I talked to him about Samuel Lee's false teaching "If you do not raise 12 disciples you will go to hell". This "missionary" actually tried to defend Samuel Lee and turned to John 21 where Jesus tells Peter, "If you love me, feed my sheep." He actually tried to tie this to how one is saved. This is the same missionary who told me he knows everything about me-- to try to scare me. I replied, "No. Only Jesus knows everything about me, but whatever you know about me-- go ahead and say it-- I don't care." He went on to say how much benefit I got from cheap UBF Housing. I told him sarcastically, "Oh, what a great benefit to be told where to live by Samuel Lee when my husband had already found another (bigger) place where we wanted to live for a good price." He kept saying where could you ever find as cheap rent as you did in UBF. I replied, "Most months we put in extra above our tithe to make up for the cheap rent and that we were told by Samuel Lee (via Elena Lomahan and Ban Toh) that we had to give $1000 at the birth of our children plus giving large offerings (above tithing) every Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, conferences, & funeral." That "missionary" said more crazy stuff than anyone we spoke to. After mentioning the ordered abortions he said, "Did she (Rebekan Yoon & wife of Ki-Chul Oh) have a choice whether or not to obey & have the abortion?" I said yes, she made a choice but #1) the teaching in UBF called "Spiritual Order" which was pounded into her told her she must absolutely obey Samuel Lee & #2) Isn't Samuel Lee & other leaders responsible for telling women to do something as unbiblical and horrible as abortion? He kept saying the women had freedom of choice.

I've got to go now. I'll write more later, including my 10 minute conversation with Sarah Barry.

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