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Date Posted: 01:57:01 09/19/04 Sun
Author: Bob
Subject: Re: Lee's death
In reply to: Joe 's message, "Re: Lee's death" on 21:37:49 09/17/04 Fri

He died of smoke inhalation in the fire, and the firemen found him dead. I can't believe there still a dispute about this. Where did you hear of this dispute? In your former chapter? And why does it even matter?

My former chapter said nothing about a fire, a dispute, or about Lee being sick. They just said that he died after coming out of the shower. I thought there was a dispute about this after reading some of the threads on this site. On person said the firemen got him out and took him to the hospital, and he was in a coma and lived three more weeks. There was a thread about praying for him to recover. I was never told any of this in my former chapter, I think that is strange. It may not matter to anyone else, but I would like to know the truth. Thanks for clearing it up.

Did you happen to catch this person's name?

BTW, would it be fiction or non-fiction?

I'm having a hard time remembering a non-Korean male who's been in the Cinci UBF for 20 years. Griggs died, so it wouldn't be him. Is Fensel still there? Martin moved to N. Carolina, and I don't think either Fensel or Martin have been 20 years in UBF. Is it David Miller?

I am sure it is not David Miller, I know who he is. Fensel sounds VERY familiar. I remember that name from the conference. I am almost sure it is him. This man who wrote the book said he is a nurse, and he mentioned his wife, so he is married. He said this book is a story that would tell his experiences in ubf. If I remember well enough, he said that he changed peoples names so they could not be identified; and that the book is written is a story format. One porpuse of the book is to show how God works through ubf.

I have already checked with Barns and Noble, I was not able to find it. I am curious to see it.

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