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Date Posted: 10:38:39 10/12/04 Tue
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: UBF Doctrine
In reply to: Brian Karcher 's message, "Re: UBF Doctrine" on 18:28:44 10/11/04 Mon

The point, however, is not to neglect children, but to have the correct priorities and value system. My children are growing happy and healthy, and with a sense of God and the Bible.

Brian, you are holding the position of a chapter leader. Many UBF secretely wish to have such a position: Nobody controls you during the week, you can make your own rules in your chapter, you don't have to make 1:1 study, you don't need to share you sogams, you don't need to go fishing, you are a kind of free man, with only a few restrictions. You don't see the spiritual abuse any more that's going on in other chapters, and forget pretty quickly what you experienced in your own chapter. The leader of my former chapter does nothing of all the things a rank-and-file member is supposed to do, he does not even write and deliver the Sunday sermons any more, and he has no job, but is payed from UBF offering money. His only task left is controlling people. He has a lot of free time. And: Chapter leaders have time to care for their family.

But as a rank-and-file member, you are demanded to neglect your family including the children. For instance, my wife was urged to stop breastfeeding and look for a babysitter very quickly after the birth of our son. Other members of my chapter had to send their little children to Korea for one or more years. Even if nobody presses you to neglect your children, if you have a full-time job and observe the many meetings and obligations in UBF, you have to neglect your children due to lack of time. And my chapter has not even been extreme in this regard. The Bonn UBF was much worse. Yet it is depicted as exemplary, and it's leader Peter Chang has been made the chairman of the UBF commitee for education of children!

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