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Date Posted: 09:50:49 10/19/04 Tue
Author: Joe
Subject: Re: freedom to chose --NOT
In reply to: Former Member 's message, "freedom to chose --NOT" on 22:36:37 10/18/04 Mon

>Some Second Generation kids
>were "introduced" to their possible partner a year if
>not more before hand. Joe didn't you have a long
>engagement (at least 1 year?). I say long because
>relatively speaking 1 year engagement was long
>compared to one -two weeks engagement.

Actually, the "engagement" was 2 years. See this previous post and search for "preparation committee." We were "engaged" not long after she got off the airplane from Korea. Our UBF-enforced "engagement" and "engagement" period was in violation of US immigration laws (I won't say what specific laws), as were several other USA-Korea 2ndgen "engagements" that I know of. Yes, we were forced by the Chicago/Korean UBF leadership to break immigration laws to make this marriage happen. And they [UBF leaders] did not do this because it was somehow necessary to break these laws; breaking these laws only made things more convenient in their eyes.

What people may not know is that our "engagement" was the second "engagement" for both my wife and for me. I was "engaged" for about 20 years to John Jun's daughter, probably from about the time we were both in kindergarten. My wife had similarly been "engaged" to Isaac Choi, Jr.

The marriage culture of UBF is beyond bizarre.

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  • Re: freedom to chose --NOT -- Nick T., 17:07:40 10/19/04 Tue

  • Re: freedom to chose --NOT -- Brother in Christ, 12:16:13 10/20/04 Wed

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