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Date Posted: 10:45:48 08/18/04 Wed
Author: Nick T.
Subject: many of these people are messed up
In reply to: E 's message, "Re: you need police assistance" on 10:16:48 08/18/04 Wed

Dear E,

Thank you for your response. You are right, he was engaging in mental abuse and making veiled threats against you. He is using some very dark psychological tactics against you. Chris wrote up a whole section about how Samuel EE made up stories of people who were struck with all kinds of tragedies after leaving the ubf group. All the stories are either total lies or severely slanted. They are trying to make you afraid so that you may let them control you.

That person is not teaching the Bible, that person is trying to mess with your head. He may have an obsession or fantasy towards you also, so be very careful. I remember another story of a married ubfKorean man in Chicago who tried to sexually assault a shepherdess. Someone also told me he saw a ubfKorean 'missionary' doctor going into the adult section of a video rental store in Chicago. The behavior of your 'missionary' is totally inappropriate and sounds more like sexual advances against you. Is this guy married? Somebody should tell his ubfwife.

Please go the police immediatley and get your belongings. Then ask the policeman to warn that guy to never contact you again. Chris has this article fromt he Canadian incident on his website at


That guy is definitely playing with your mind. Get the police to help you get your possessions and then get out. Brother in christ gave very good advice, please follow it.

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