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Date Posted: 07:19:41 09/11/04 Sat
Author: Mike K.
Subject: UBF missionary vs Missionary
In reply to: E 's message, "Re: Africa story" on 13:29:04 08/18/04 Wed

However, He made it clear that it was not a UBF missionary but an independant unmarried missionary woman.

One should note that the UBF term "missionary" does come without any merit or qualification save the desire (or, in some cases: pressure) to live abroad, whereas genuine missionaries did get a proper biblical education, they work twice-hard, they pay for themselves AND others rather than having others pay for them, real missionaries also endure the conditions and culture of the country rather than forcing their environment to adapt to them.
Real missionaries would rather suffer than cause someone to "lose the faith".
Real missionaries aren't fundamentalistic but have faith, and are rather totally willing to explain everything to everybody than assume others will understand them and if not blame THEM for misunderstanding.
Real missionaries, most of all, don't brag with their accomplishments. You never hear from most of them as they do their work in reverence to the Lord and not with the hope of becoming the next "Great Servant of God".

And last but not least, real missionaries won't settle down but will move around as soon as their burden is settled (i.e. a Church is established or the sufferings of the populace are eased), not when they have filled their bags with worldly things.

In Christ,
Mike K.

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