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Date Posted: 23:17:18 09/20/04 Mon
Author: Joe
Subject: Re: final draft of flyer
In reply to: E 's message, "This is the final draft of the Flyer. So what do you think?" on 16:09:51 09/20/04 Mon

A better opening might be something like:

Warning! Cult [or abusive church, if you prefer] recruiting on campus!

Have you been asked if you would "like to study the Bible" with a group calling
themselves the University Bible Fellowship (UBF)? Here's what you might be
getting yourself into if you accept their invitation...

>University Bible Fellowship
>U.B.F. would like to invite you to become a blind
>follower sheep in our zealot religious group.
>Through our instruction known as shepherding you can
>expect the following:
>1.You will be allowed to spend your free time
>recruiting, attending meetings, preparing to attend
>meetings, or guilty for not spending your time
>preparing for meetings.
>2. You will have the opportunity to give us all your
>available money as thanksgiving offerings.
>3. You will be discouraged from seeing non-UBF
>chosen people including your family and friends.
>4. You will be allowed to use your vacation time to
>attend UBF conferences and prepare very personal life
>stories to share with complete strangers.
>5. You will be strongly discouraged from making
>friends with any members of the opposite sex.
>6. We will take away your burden of having to choose
>for yourself what to study, where to live, and who to
>7. We are sure that this is the best Christian group
>on campus and possibly the face of the earth.
>Would you like to give your entire life to us? If so,
>please drop by the University Bible Fellowship on
>Sundays at 3:00pm in the Fox Room on the first floor
>of the Union. Or look for Dr. Jim Rabchuk; he can
>start programming you today.
>For more information you may contact:

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  • Shorter -- Mike K., 01:41:03 09/21/04 Tue

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