Date Posted:05:36:07 06/05/04 Sat Author:Desiree S. Ray Subject: Re: ubfww In reply to:
's message, "Re: ubfww" on 08:40:02 05/28/04 Fri
Sarah Barry always told everyone the $30,000.00 salary line. (At one point she claimed she, herself existed on $25,000.00," because she served UBF under Samuel C. Lee's authority.")
Anyone with common sense knows this is all bogus. Do any of you remember the constant bragging by Samuel Lee that the UBF bank accounts were unlimited because it was "Heavenly Father's money". I can't even remember how many times I heard him say that while visiting Chicago, or attending a conference. I wish I knew where all the Chicago offering monies went after Sarah Barry converted them to gold bullion. I would imagine Little Sarah Kim has the answer to that mystery!