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Date Posted: 20:29:53 08/08/04 Sun
Author: Mitch
Subject: Re: Your experience
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: Your experience" on 03:52:48 08/08/04 Sun

Thank you so much for your support. I am sure I will contact you soon, when I have finally broken ties with UBF. For now I don't want them knowing who I am, so I will wait a week or so. And thanks for your email, I will stay in touch.

>Hello Mitch, thank you for sharing these things with
>us. We all had similar experiences.
>If you thought you wasted four years of your life with
>this cult, well I wasted ten years with it. We know
>how recognizing this is like. But don't fall for the
>"sunken cost" argument: "Because I have already
>invested so much of my life for UBF, I cannot leave
>any more." This is only an economical argument (and
>even there, it's silly and a psychological trap), but
>we are Christians and free to let go of anything
>except Christ. And that means we can also let go of
>UBF if we recognize it is not good spiritually. In the
>end, that time had also its purpose for you.
>Everything works for the good. But once we recognize
>something is bad we should get rid of it and make a
>step forward.
>The way how they persuade you to do certain things is
>very tricky. Kaleb Hong, European UBF leader, used the
>following trick: He let you share a "gracious"
>testimony at one of the big conferences, where in the
>end, of course, you make a decision to live a life of
>faith. Then, directly after sharing this testimony in
>front of hundreds of people, with your emotions being
>high, he approaches the sheep and asks them something
>like "How about moving and joining a
>common-life-appartment with the other shepherds?" Can
>you say "no" in such a moment? Of course you feel that
>everything you said in your testimony would be
>hypocritical if you can't say "yes." Also, the sheep
>are still high on emotion and can't think clearly. I
>was reminded of that when I heared about how you were
>persuaded to sell your house.
>Mitch, if you ever think about selling your house,
>then don't use the money for UBF. These people are
>just greedy for the money of others. Ask your chapter
>director why Samuel Lee and all of his cronies owned a
>large house instead of selling everything and giving
>it to the poor UBF chapters. Or just go to your
>chapter director and tell him you have pondered about
>selling the house and giving 100% of the money for the
>Bangladesh flood disaster, and then watch his reaction.
>Did you see through the trick they are playing with
>you concerning "Abraham." First, we should ask
>ourselves whether we are supposed to live like
>Abraham. The New Testimonies says nowhere that Abraham
>is the role model for every Christians. But the main
>thing is how they interpret "Leave your country, your
>people and your father's household" for you.
>Sometimes they interpret it literally as a need for
>every Christian to "leave his country." I bet they do
>so with the Korean UBF "missionaries" during their
>"missionary training."
>Sometimes they interpret it literally as a need for
>every Christian to neglect his parents and move away
>from them, which cannot be true since it is God's law
>to honor our parents and care for them (see also Mk
>And sometimes they arbitrarily interpret "leave your
>country" to be identical with the idea of the leader,
>such as in his case wanting to use your wealth for
>UBF, and make your property UBF property. I can see no
>connection here. "Leave your country" could mean
>anything for you. But these UBF leaders claim they
>know what it means. This is very arrogant and
>dangerous. They are playing the role of the Holy
>Spirit for you. Strangely, they always interpret it in
>the context of UBF. I never heared that "leave your
>country" could mean to leave UBF and join a Christian
>organization which needs your help more desperately or
>anything else that would not be for the profit of UBF.
>What UBF does here is Bible abuse. They abuse the
>story about Abraham and everything they can find. They
>interpret it for you and if you don't follow their
>interpretation you are not following the Bible. That's
>the trick they use.
>If you want to contact me, go to rel=nofollow target=_blank >href="http://www.ubf-info.de">ubf-info.de and use
>the email address at the bottom left (just click on
>the button).

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