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Date Posted: 22:52:34 08/14/04 Sat
Author: PSUDAB
Subject: Helen Rarick
In reply to: Jim St. L. 's message, "Re: PSU Directorship, marriage, and MY TESTIMONY" on 21:18:22 08/08/04 Sun

Hi Jim,

I was referring to Dr. Helen as "Colnel" only because of
the way she regiments the journey teams. She has us prac-
tically marching in line like soldiers, hence the military

I know nothing about her life as a shepherd or how many
students she's served, nor do I really care to know.
I was only really trying to express how I felt I was treated during the three different journeys I was on.


>Dear David,
>I am sorry to hear about your situation. You should
>cut off your contact with Joe Schafer and the other
>UBFin's. It seems to produce too much stress in your
>life. I would seek out a good Christian ministry at
>PSU that correctly teaches God's word. UBF abuses the
>Bible for its own ends. You need to learn God's word
>newly and grow in a personal relationship with Jesus
>Christ. Every answer to your problems can be found in
>the Bible. Christ's love for you is deep and wide. If
>you trust God with your life he will lead you to a
>proper Christian woman. You should forget about the
>Russian girl. She may have ulterior motives to come
>Also, I don't know why you call Helen Rarick
>"Colonel." If you knew some of the things I know about
>her you would understand. She has been an utter
>failure as a "shepherd and Bible teacher" in UBF. She
>has chased away a lot of people with her proud
>attitude that UBF has built up in her.
>Please seek God in prayer and realize that He is the
>holy God that can heal all your brokenness and sorrow.
>You need to leave UBF because they just see you as
>another American in their seats every week. I wish you
>lived in Chicago so I could help you more. I'll pray
>for you.

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