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Date Posted: 20:16:26 08/21/04 Sat
Author: Mitch
Subject: Re: To Mitch and J
In reply to: heart4jc 's message, "Re: To Mitch and J" on 13:21:50 08/17/04 Tue

What you said is very helpful to me to understand these people. I attended a very small chapter (most of the time we had maybe 12 people), and the director seemed to be knowledgable in the Word of God. They seemed so dedicated to prayer and worship service, I thought that was what I needed at the time. But in the last year and a half or so, I began to suspect something was wrong. I thought about it and the one thing that kept me in the group was their sincerity. I thought that the director and his wife, and the missionaries "loved" the Word of God. But when I was asked to sell my house, attend 6am prayer meetings (every morning), and to pray about a woman in Korea to be my wife, I seriously considered leaving.

The clincher for me was the 6am prayer meetings. This is a major intrusion on my quiet time with the Lord. I seek the Lord every morning in the privacy of my house (hence-a personal relationship with the Lord). A "prayer meeting" can be good, but it is not the same thing as seeking God; every believer should seek God on a daily basis, and it should be seperate from church activities. Our daily devotions to the Lord is what MAKES our relationship with Him, it is the most important thing about being a Christian. So when they brought up the morning prayer meetings, they told me it was "optional", so I told them that I spend time with God in the mornings so I will not be coming. They seemed to have no problem with that except everytime they saw me they asked me to come in the mornings. "Do you think you can make it?" They would say. After a while I got tired of it, and, not wanting to make a scene, I caved in. I ageed to to go twice a week. Then they would ask if I would come three times a week. I did. Then the director asked me to come everyday due to the upcoming 2004 MSU conference, that it is urgent that we pray for this conference. So the last week and a half before conference I went everyday.

Ironicaly, this is why I wanted out, because it seemed like they had no love for God and wanted to meet all the time and go through a wish list of prayers. It seemed like they loved UBF more than God. So I decided to get out, either some time in the fall, or early winter. But thank God I found this website. The very moment I realized UBF had been kicked out of the NAE I knew that I would need to leave immediatly. After reading the stories here I feel like I have found the missing piece to a puzzle; all of the behavior I have seen at UBF is explained in detail by the testimonies I have read on this website.

I don't know yet why I was decieved, or why I didn't recognize them to be a cult. But it is very obvious now.

I think about the children of this director, they seem very innocent, as a matter of fact I believe the two older ones want despartely to leave UBF, but that would be much harder to do than me leaving. They are his children. There are three missionaries from Korea there, the director seems to control them all, I have stayed out of it. I just assumed that a pastor and a missionary should work closely together, I never really thought much about it, but the director seemed to be calling all the shots. I can't help to think that innocent Korean people (in Korea) are being sucked into this cult not knowing it is one, then becoming so involved they cannot get out. So I do think that most of them are decieved.

But I can see now that whatever the case is, I need to leave and let God deal with them.

Thanks for your concern.

>Like you said, you may be very confused because they
>seem to be so sincere. I believe that some of them
>are sincerely misled and others are masters of
>deceiving. To some degree, they may genuinely want to
>serve God, but they certainly lack the knowledge of
>God. With partial truth, they try to control the lives
>of their members and eventually lead to the way of
>destruction all together.
>Roman 10:2 For I can testify about them that they are
>zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on
>3 Since they did not know the righteousness that comes
>from God and sought to establish their own, they did
>not submit to God's righteousness.
>The most horrifying thing in the truth is seeking the
>partial truth as John McArther said.

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