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Date Posted: 12:45:19 08/23/04 Mon
Author: Nick T.
Subject: short on Bible and fact, long on ubfisms
In reply to: Truth seeker 's message, "Re: could you get a copy and post it here?" on 16:58:52 08/20/04 Fri

Thanks TS,

By the dates in the document it is already two years old. It looks like he is trying to say he is an apostle by the key verse, he is an Abraham by the early sections, and in the end he is living remnant of the spirit of EE Chang Woo.

My comments are going to be very scattered, some questions interspersed.

Part I- Normal kid forced to grow up

Hoser said that his father became a Christian through the mother's long prayer, this while Hoser Ahn was still at home. So did he not have some Christian upbringing or witness from his parents? Why or why not?

Father lost job and mother died. Did father not continue to take care of Hoser and 7 other children?

Hoser went to college, the 'Korean Harvard'. Must have been studying his butt of to get into Korean Harvard. Obviously not a stupid guy. But this became a very vulnerable time of life. Experienced life without parental supervision, had a few too many adult beverages. In his own words, this lifestyle set him up to receive God. Had he somehow been rejecting God?

part II- lured into ubf trap

Hoser had no life philosophy of his own, so he accepted the ubf meaning of life that God created us to work for our own redemption and the redemption of others. ubf instilled in him the notion that he was unworthy of God and because of too many adult beverages, Hoser now had to prove himself worthy to be saved by Christ. ubf taught Hoser that Jesus is all powerful and all sufficient to save us from sin by free His grace, but Jesus would rather see us work for our redemption. Hence the urgency to build up the ubf.

Dr. Lee served as the visible representative of God in those formative years, and throughout the rest of his life. Dr. Lee did only good things, so Hoser cannot divert any of this testimony to all those slanders and rumors about his adulteries, financial scandals, deceptions, and how he turned ubf into a personality cult with modularized Bible study. Also, Hoser cannot mention anything about Dr. Lee's background as Lee was a coward during the Civil War and had no qualifications as a Bible teacher or minister.

Hoser married Maria, who was an object of Lee's very strange obsession. Lee manipluated the marriage so that Maria's father was treated like a God-hater who opposed God when he tried to stand up to Samuel EE. Hoser spoke very briefly about Jesus, who gave up his life to give life to the whoel world. But he seemed to totally de-emaphasize this grace of Jesus in order to emphasize ubf 'whirled mission' and Bible Korea. hoser was willing to let his family live in a strange separation pretending that this was pleasing to God. But during this time of 'pioneering' there was no ubf fruit, even after many years. But as an organization man, Hoser contuned to sing the ubf song that Dr. EE taught him so well.

I will stop there in my review of this 'mission report'. He failed to mention any details of his 12 years life in Chicago, where there are many witnesses who can testify that he and his fellowship have failed God and the students. For example, did you know that Jonathan R., who was tricked into underwear training and beaten with a baseball bat by Ron Ward, well Jonathon was in Hoser Ahn's fellowship at the time. Isn't that interesting? And Cathy A. who was coerced into marrying Arthur Miranda totally against her will, and then Arthur divorced her by posting notices in the classified ads, well I believe she was also in Hoser's fellwoship. And the pure and holy Maria, wasn't that the lady who abused Kathy Calabrese for so many long years (7 or so) that the Calabrese family finally decided to cut their ties to the ubfcult?

But Hoser did not mention these and any of the zillion of other things he did in bad faith and bad conscience before God.

Again, this is not the life of a missionary. This is the story of an organization man, and the organziation is a dangerous cult group. Just food for thought.

Questions, comments or complaints?

God bless us all.

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