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Date Posted: 23:29:06 08/19/04 Thu
Author: Joe
Subject: Re: Hosee Ahn?
In reply to: Bong-jin 's message, "Hosee Ahn?" on 19:17:27 08/19/04 Thu

Some background:

Jose (Joseph) Ahn's wife, Maria Ahn, chose to serve Sam Lee as a secretary in Korea and Chicago rather than be with her own husband. They were separated many years (close to 10 years) in this way.

Joseph Ahn's son was ordered to get an adult circumcision done by a Chicago UBF MD by Sam Lee. See my personal story.

Sam Lee, because he felt like it and because he absolutely controlled the pursestrings of UBF, gave Joseph Ahn's family a six-figure sum of money to defray the cost of Joseph Ahn's medical school costs, a free "scholarship" to reward Maria Ahn's absolute loyalty to him. (This is a fact that has been verified by a UBF Board member.) Perhaps this is a major reason why "he [Ahn] is showing absolute thanksgivings to late SL."

You write: "For me and my wife also, SL's attitudes seems to be accetible. They can be a kind of strong leadership." Yet even Joseph Ahn testified that life under Sam Lee's "strong leadership" was like a little death or torture, and I personally remember the ways in which Lee made life hell for Joseph Ahn in Chicago. For Joseph Ahn to be "absolutely thankful to SL" after all that does not show spiritual maturity on his part, it shows a spiritual and even mental sickness. I pity Mr. Ahn.

You write: "Think the so many thankful missionaries for SL!"

Think of the many "missionaries" who are absolutely thankful for Sun Myung Moon, their True Father and Messiah. Or the many citizens of North Korea who are absolutely thankful for Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. It's about the same dynamic in UBF. Ask many a cult expert. They will tell you that all three--the Moonies, N. Korea and UBF--are cults.

Think of the many "missionaries" who have left Chicago UBF whose stories you have never heard.

Get beyond your easily manipulated emotions and look at the facts and history; these tell you more about Sam Lee than hundreds of "missionaries", many of whom only met him a handful of times in their lives.

>Hi. The below is from my wife because I don't attend
>the prayer meeting since 2 yrs ago.
>One missionary named Hosee Ahn visited to my center,
>and gave his long testimony during thursday prayer
>First part about his over ten years in Korea, Second
>part about his near ten years in Chicago center.
>He was a Korean delegate to UN, Spain but quitted his
>job according to SL suggestion.
>SL gave many, many directions with the purposes of
>After several years of Chicago life, he seemed to go
>to death by the incessant directions and interventions
>by SL.
>Though he knew the many directions by SL were only
>trainings, he little by little frustrated.
>But after all the years of his struggling under SL and
>missionary life, he is showing absloute thanksgivings
>to late SL and God.
>During his long testimony, SL appears over 20 times
>maybe. He is absolutely appreciating SL trainings and
>the all his giving ups in his past career. He gave up
>his job, fame, and his life...
>For me and my wife also, SL's attitudes seems to be
>accetible. They can be a kind of strong leadership.
>So,though I'm not sure, aren't we so focused on some
>negative aspects of SL or UBF?
>Think the so many thankful missionaries for SL!
>Just my suggestion.

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