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Date Posted: 12:52:00 09/19/04 Sun
Author: E
Subject: Re: What Leaflets to Handout to potential UBFers
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: What Leaflets to Handout to potential UBFers" on 16:20:17 09/17/04 Fri

>What exactly do you mean with "lack of faith"? Do you
>mean either "lack of commitment to Biblical doctrines"
>or "lack of activity"?

Lack of even the semblance of commitment to Biblical doctirnes. The main topic of discussion in many groups is what everyone has been up to the past week. Or "Cultural Christianty" and how it makes us better people, employees, money handlers ect.
Anyway, of course you are
>right. The only reason why UBF and cults in general
>are so successful is that the orthodox Christian
>churches are so disappointing. That's also the reason
>why UBF was able to fish me. What can we do about this

Continue to pray for a fellowship with Jesus Christ as the center of attention.
We should stop to expect something from
>others and start to think how we can contribute to
>change that situation. We can try to bring new life
>into the churches where we are.

There will always be opposition to change. People will ask "who are you to tell us we need to do things differently."

>Concerning UBF: There is activity, but it's idle cult
>activity. They claim to be Bible believing and
>obedient to the Bible but they aren't. It's no
>alternative. Everything is better than that.

I was difficult for me to understand the meaning behind UBF actions. Once I realised that they only wanted to study with UBF prepared materials on hand I realised that they were just claiming to follow Biblical teachings. Instead they follow the UBF filtered teachings that involve use Bible Scriptures for a dark purpose.

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