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Date Posted: 15:43:36 09/12/04 Sun
Author: Jan
Subject: UBF Use of money
In reply to: Jim St. L. 's message, "Re: UBF Expenses at MSU - other questions" on 21:28:14 09/10/04 Fri

UBF member can't prove anything because they are given very little information. Many who work for the MSU conference planning teams will find out perhaps 30-50% of the information of the MSU conference(depending on what the responsiblities are). Based on what the person revealed they worked on something.

This is all they will know, they will not know about the offering money, they will not know about the daily expenses. Only a certain few like Maria Ahn and others trusted will know those things. This person should consider learning how UBF does things not necessarily to come here and tell all but so that they can investigate what is really going on in UBF for themselves.

Although Rolving Report did get information from MSU they only have a 40-50% of the expenses. There is a lot more involoved with MSU. Trust me, the conference FEES were not a means to make money. However the conference did generate revenue with the offering. How much I could never say, or imagaine because true members need to give in the triple digits. Visitors were allowed whatever they wanted.

No one can account for the offering money except the elders and the UBF accountant. If they spent the money correctly they have nothing to be ashamed of. They should have a backbone to hold them up. They will not disclose anything because they are ashamed.

The accountant they hired was probably hired to handle the books as of 2003 or 2004, nothing prior. We will never find out what they did in the past. Unless God is willing to help us find out by the repentance of someone with access to that information.

Remember God is in control and will require and accounting from all UBF memebers. Especially those who were responsible with his money. I've decided not to worry about the money anymore. However I do pray that God may reveal himself and expose UBF for what they have done and who they are. I hope you will all pray along with me.

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