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Date Posted: 02:21:15 09/29/04 Wed
Author: Desiree S. Ray
Subject: Re: ...with a grain of salt
In reply to: former 's message, "Re: ...with a grain of salt" on 20:39:22 09/28/04 Tue

Dear Wondering;

Why are you asking about the Toledo Chapter of UBF specifically?

I was born and raised in Toledo Ohio and had the EXPERIENCE of living the UBF way for ten years of my life, when UBF in Toledo had just begun. I know most of the original history of UBF in America, primarily in the Midwest chapters pretty much first hand.

Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you without doubt that the Toledo UBF chapter is one of the most rigid chapters of UBF, following all direction from the Chicago director's.

I can tell you that Paul Hong is the chapter leader, and that he is currently a professor at the University of Toledo. He began his life in Toledo after he was a total failure in Bowling Green ( a nearby college community, also heavy into family farming).

Paul Hong had a best friend named James Kim, a wonderfully kind man who would give any human being the shirt off of his back. James Kim was the original UBF Toledo Chapter leader. His wife Rebekah B. Kim is devoted to James and their beautiful children. The Kim family sacrificed greatly for the Hong family, because it was clear that they always stood in need. Paul Hong repayed his "best" friend for all of his support by literally undermining his good standing in the Toledo community as a whole as well as UBF; by spreading lies about James leadership ability. Paul Hong went so far as to instigate and carry out a full scale attack on the Kim family which included the physical removal of all of the Kim's worldly belongings from their own home. He supervised and carried out leaving the Kim family freezing in the dead of winter with no resources for them or their LITTLE children.

Paul Hong carried out all of this ruin upon his "best" friend's family, with one motive. He wanted to be the leader of the Toledo UBF chapter, and had no other way of gaining that role, unless he walked over his friend to get it.

During my time in UBF, I knew Paul Hong to be a shifty, dishonest, jealous little man, who had little regard for anyone who did not put him first. He was selfish, even toward his wife, who always gave the impression that she was a second class person. Both of the Kim's had a hard time with English. Even Samuel Lee himself, was critical of Hong for not doing well in mastering English. (among other things).

My personal perception of Hong was that he was trying to prove something to Samuel Lee and everyone in the Toledo Chapter. The truth is that Paul Hong's definition of being a Christian is downright frightening. The man is very very cold and petty. He did steal the leadership position from James Kim (his best friend). He did lie about anyone who questioned him on most authority issues, choosing to hide behind the Chicago mantra. He was hateful publically toward all people of color, especially black people. He was down on women having any leadership positions within UBF (except Sarah Barry).

Recently, I was able to view some footage from the UBF conference at MSU. I saw that some of the TOledo members are now black. In that regard only, times have changed a bit. But, those young folks will leave after a bit of time like they all do. Their have been very few (less than a handful) of human beings who ever graced the Toledo chapter door who have remained even after 30 years.

I think the turnover factor, should speak the true language of UBF. If it is so great, why have so many people "run away"? The truth is that Toledo Ohio is host to one of many UBF chapters in America that is dedicated to a single purpose. Their goal is to extract as much as they can (especially money!!!) from young people, while at the same time reducing their individual self esteem to below zero.

30 years has not changed UBF for the better. They put on showy conferences and pretend to worship God, but if one member REALLY has the truth of Jesus Christ's salvation in their life, I would be stunned. The GRACE of Jesus Christ, and the UBF mantra are polar opposites.

Wondering, if you are considering joining up with UBF in Toledo, PLEASE rethink that. Toledo is a great city, with lots of fine Christian churches where you can find the living WORD and a full life.

Hope this bit of info helps. By the way... I recognize that I am very harsh toward Paul (the liar) Hong. I have said the truth here and will be delighted to say it to his face if the opportunity presents itself, the next time I go home to visit.

Kind Regards, In Christ
Desiree S. Ray

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