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Date Posted: 09:35:01 10/06/04 Wed
Author: Nick T.
Subject: why go to ubf?
In reply to: sinner 's message, "new ubf" on 21:37:17 10/05/04 Tue

this is just a simple response to a young lady's posting, I am not reposnding to her but to her suggestion that anyone should go to ubf.

Why would anyone want to get involved with a place like ubf that has earned a very bad reputation, is totally disfunctional, is very deceptive, refuses to be held accountable, has a very poor idea of what the Bible is telling people, has caused alot of psychological problems and divorces and abortions, constant theft of offering monies, etc. Why would anyone want to choose something so inferior, so disfunctional, such a failure, such a dangerous place, why would anyone choose the ubf as their preferred place of worship?

There are so many places which are much, much better than ubf. I would recommned that a person go only to a healthy, honest, reputable place of worship. There are so many good places to go, why go to ubf?

It would be like someone choosing to eat spoiled rotten food, live in a cockroach filled apartment, wear filthy rags, and go around saying this is the way God wanted me to live.

ubf should not be on anyone's list of places to worship, except for people who are dishonest and just won't admit it. Nobody should be recruited to ubf.

Just my honest two cents.

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  • new = better? -- Joe, 11:39:09 10/06/04 Wed

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