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Date Posted: 13:03:59 10/06/04 Wed
Author: Jim St. L.
Subject: Re: Drifting OT
In reply to: Mike K. 's message, "Drifting OT" on 12:03:31 10/06/04 Wed

Dear Mike K.,

I don't know if you know anything about American politics. I can tell you I don't know much German politics. I do know that this upcoming election next month (Nov.2) may be the most polarized presidental election in the history of the US. George W. Bush stand on the right and Christian side of stem-cell research, abortion, same-sex marriage and other social issues. John Kerry stand on the unbiblical side of all these issues. John Kerry is so phony and spews numerous lies to the American public. The Catholic church which John Kerry professes faith in is considering not letting him taking communion because of his ungodly stances on all these issues. Futhermore, I do not agree with you on your comment that Pres. Bush is bringing shame onto the name of Christ by declaring this war with Iraq "a crusade." More Iraqi people are hearing the word of God and learning saving faith in Christ than before under the Saddam Hussein adminstration. Isn't the gospel supposed to reach the ends of the world. Under Hussein, the gospel was completely stifled in Iraq. If the conservative Muslims had their way they would execute every Christian and Jew in the world. They would set up a theocracy where every knee that doesn't bow to Allah would have their heads separated from their body. Are you praying about the Muslim infiltration in your country? I am praying about it in the U.S. and hope to meet and witness to them about the saving grace of Jesus Christ in the Chicagoland area.

My pastors would never ask their members who they are voting for or what party they support. But if you ask them whom they support they will tell you who and why. My senior pastor, David Williams, has often stated that a politician's integrity and character is revealed by what he does in his public life. This is much different than what I saw in UBF, Samuel Lee and Sarah Barry shamelessly swayed people to vote for godless national candidates like Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Samuel Lee even used the logic that Bill Clinton has been married to one wife as opposed to the other candidate (Bob Dole) was on his second wife. Despite the mountain of evidence at that time (before the public knew about his Monica Lewinsky affair) that Bill Clinton was and probably continues to be a sexual philander. I think this was indicative of Samuel Lee's own thought world. Anyway I didn't mean to get off into different tangents. But Pres. Bush is definitely the best choice for US president for Bible-believing Christians. I would characterize these elections as a choice between a big evil in John Kerry and the right person for the president(Pres. George Bush) in these times.

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