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Date Posted: 13:51:32 10/06/04 Wed
Author: Former Chicago member
Subject: UBF lack of repentance
In reply to: sinner 's message, "new ubf" on 21:37:17 10/05/04 Tue

UBF has major problems.

#1 problem. Leaders do not publicly repent of their sins (I believe public leader repentance is a requirement from the bible). Does anyone know the bible references?? How many testimonies do you hear from Samuel Lee, Sarah Barry or others where they admit they did something wrong and truly repent and chose to live differently. If I'm wrong please drop me a link to read. You hear their sermons, but no repentence is ever heard. Although they have admitted to the sins of abortion to those they talk to personally they won't say it in public.

Without Repentence UBF will be in the wrong, despite their hard work and effort. No amount of doing good things will cover their sin. Only the blood of Jesus will cover their sins--If they chose to repent and allow Jesus to rule over every aspect of UBF. Will God continue to use UBF? YOU bet. God used Pharoah and he used other wicked people to do his will why not use UBF. Will he work in the hearts of sinners looking for him... YES! How can we tell UBF is not in the right with God. Jesus said 'look at their Fruit', UBF has buds growing all the time, but without repentance from the leaders those buds are transplanted by GOD to another church to bear fruit. So many have left UBF, No one stays because they are not a good environment due to the lack of repentance.

UBF likes to count numbers all the time, accept when they want to look at themselves. As Dr. Ben use to say 'Facts speak for themselves'. They will always ask you how many can you bring, but don't ask themselves how many have grown. My church has only been around 15 years. We have over 3000 people coming every weekend and each weekend more people come. Chicago UBF has been in the same area over 20 years and has maybe 400 attendents (80%, are missionaries imported to make the number bigger)? The Harvest is plenty but UBF is barren why?? They lose those they bring all the time. Only the few remain, many leave the spiritually choking environment of UBF. God would love to clean that place up, but those leaders just 'don't care'. If we avoid looking at numbers as UBF choses to do so, let's look at the quality of diciples. Although UBF selects to only really fish students, why are students so turned off by UBF? Why are the shepherds who will be held accountable for the number of attendents they have, turn to non-student sheep, then call them "junk" sheep"? UBF has major problems. Let's begin with repenting.

UBF could be great if they would repent. Satan is holding them down and they are allowing it because they won't admit what is wrong and seek Gods for direction.

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