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Date Posted: 15:11:13 10/06/04 Wed
Author: Jim St. L.
Subject: Re: 'I don't care' song by ubfins at MSU
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "'I don't care' song by ubfins at MSU" on 09:53:04 10/06/04 Wed

Dear Nick,

You are exactly right. The two of us were surrounded by UBFin's who were ripping the paper that we gave to their "young sheep" out of their hands. When I saw them doing this repeatedly I shouted at them, "This is what cults do, restrict your information!" One UBF Korean man was trying to grab Amy Y. so I picked him and he ran right into me. I think he got the message.

The last two years, when I have gone to protest at their conference, I have seen and heard how theologically empty their "leaders" are. My professor at MBI said that people should not try to minister or teach Bible unless they have at least three years of Christian education. At this conference I could see why. Nobody in UBF has any Christian education from an independent institution, so their thinking is nearly uniform. When I questioned Kevin Albright why he goes by the title, "Pastor Kevin." He proudly said that he was sanctioned as one by the UBF Board of Elders. Then I said and who are they accredited by? He had no answer. I told him that his title of pastor was no different than those of the Church of the light, who require a 20 minute process and some money to be ordained over the internet. Then he finally admitted, "Okay, I'm not a pastor, I'm just Kevin."

UBF brings much disgrace to God by continually improperly divining His word. I don't see how there is a "new UBF," but only a lot of the same butressing and obfuscation when it comes down to the real issues people continually bring up on this board and in person.

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