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Date Posted: 10:40:04 10/07/04 Thu
Author: Jim St. L.
Subject: Re: Chris and Mike need to see the bigger picture
In reply to: Mike K. 's message, "Re: Chris and Mike need to see the bigger picture" on 07:47:59 10/07/04 Thu

Dear Mike,

I don't know what pipe you've been smoking, but put it down.
I can't believe you have bought into that kind of anti-American propaganda machine. If you think Bush pushed us into these wars because of what some university student wrote I really have to question your sanity. Does attacking US soil three years ago ring a bell? Does destroying the World Trade Centers in NY, a wing of the Pentagon, a plane intended for the White House and killing more than 3,000 innocent American lives strike up some memories. This act of terrorism also sent our country into a big recession that cost our economy about 2 Million jobs.How would you like it if Muslim terrorists attacked your key cities like Berlin, Bonn and Cologne? I also find it objectionable that countries like Germany and France who we saved twice do not participate in supporting our efforts to bring democracy to these countries.

As far as approving torture as means of obtaining info. I think you can find many articles on the web where Bush denounced the activities of Abu Ghairub and other prisoner detainment centers. I should also remind you that these prisoners were terrorists and will probably continue their terrorist activities after their releases. I believe we need to have a president who is tough on terrorist and won't waffle based on public opinion for the future of the world. Unless you like to see Muslim terrorists decapitating many more people on international TV.

Also, you should know that our country was that set up the UN and we have appealed to the UN to do the right thing. But they have refused to support the US and the coalition of other brave nations in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think this is because of the vested interests of Kofi Anan. I don't think this is the right forum to address these issues so I will cut it short here.

You also seem to have things mixed up regarding UBF. I was trying to convey the message that it was the wrong thing for UBF and other churches to use their pulpits to endorse any political candidate. The way UBF did it was also the illegal thing to do because their church is a polling place. As a Christian, I believe we need to vote for the candidates who most uphold the Christian standards of family, life and personal safety and the Democratic party has become a party that is overrun by feminists, socialists and gay activists. For UBF to support such a party on a national basis smacks against everything that is said in the Bible. They should remove the word "Bible" from their name and just go by UF.

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