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Date Posted: 19:45:07 10/07/04 Thu
Author: UBFree
Subject: Re: Ed, please stop drinking the pink cool-aid
In reply to: ED 's message, "Re: Ed, please stop drinking the pink cool-aid" on 18:45:05 10/07/04 Thu

So you have a problem with George Bush saying Islam is a religion of peace. So what are you saying, that EVERY muslim is a terrorist. What do you want Bush to do? Put all the muslims in jail?

If you think Kerry will protect the borders from Illegal aliens, you are in fantasy land. He sees every illegal alien as a vote to keep the liberal establishment in power! Don't be so naive my friend. And who said anything about Bush being second to God! Thats just a pink cool-aid comment.

Another ridiculous argument "Bush lied to us about WMD". Lets follow this argument from beginning to end. Bush knowing that there are no WMD's risks entire power and prestige as President attacks Iraq..(which cost money and man power as well as risking his office)..knowing all along that when we win the "Lie" will be exposed. So by lying he can intentionally risk and maybe even throw his re-election chances. This "Bush lied to us argument" is completely absurd. Please stop getting your "facts" from Michael Moore.

The only thing I will say is that the Democrats are the party of evil, they are the party of the anti-christ,for they oppose everything the bible stands for. The Republicans were good once, but they are becoming too much like the Democrats on domestic issues. In order to keep power they have tried to mimic some of the corruption of the world.

Thomas Jefferson once said that we ought to have a revolution every 20 years. He is right. And we are long overdue

So Cheney's daughter is a lesbian, Bush has no control over that! Bush is trying to push through a consitutional ammendment stating that marriage is between a man and a woman. It would be successful except for the ungodly Democrats that oppose it!

>It is known fact that Cheney daughter is a Lesbian.
>Weren't you watching the debates. Cheney admits the
>fact. Didn't you read Hassan and Rick Ross on George
>Bush Sr. and Jr. They are the leading cult experts.
>Are you saying what they wrote about UBF is correct
>but the Moonies and George Bush is wrong, or are you
>so brain wash that you think that Bush is second only
>to God. What about Bush saying that Islam is religion
>of peace. I guess all of those Christians being murder
>in Sudan and Indonesians show it peaceful
>co-existences in his eyes.
>The democrats are giving driver licenses to the
>illegal aliens which is true. I never said the
>Democrats were good. However, Bush and his cronies
>were preventing the laws from being enforce by
>preventing border patrol from picking up your
>neighborhood illegal aliens from your local home depot
>store. They to busy trying to make a police state then
>miliatarize the border to prevent illegal aliens from
>coming in. At least Kerry said that he would protect
>the borders.
>Lets also face the facts that Bush and Cheney were
>lied to the American public about Weopons of Mass
>Destructions. There were none. I guess it is wrong to
>lie about adultery, but it is okay to lie about issues
>of war that sends 1000 American soldiers to their
>deaths. By the way if you feel that Bush cause is so
>correct, why don't you join the military and fight in
>Iraq. I getting tired of this ChickenHawks like Cheney
>who are gungho for war, but when it came to fighting
>for country in Vietnam, they said they were too busy.
>Why does Bush and Cheney backed the outsourcing of
>jobs to China and India and say it is good for the US.
>Isn't China a communist country that performs millions
>of abortions each year. Isn't this the same China that
>persecutes Christians
>Let face it. If you were to exchange Bush with Samuel
>Lee, you would be worshipping one of them. You can't
>stand the facts. No one is agreeing with you with
>anything. If people have an open minds, they can look
>up these items on the internet or public library.
>These matters are public records. What annoys me about
>you is that you have Christianity mixed with politics.
>This cause people to view Christianity in bad light
>which is detrimental to the preaching of the Gospel.
>Why not read John MacArthurs Book "Why the government
>can't save you" and vote accoring to facts then

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