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Date Posted: 10:58:21 10/12/04 Tue
Author: Shane
Subject: Cliff Jumping and UBF
In reply to: Robert J. Prebble 's message, "Re: Intervention" on 00:10:37 10/12/04 Tue

"that if Paul Hong
>asked him to jump off a cliff, do you think I would do
>it? No", he answered.

We had one brother who was ordered to shave off his mustache by Isaac Kim. Of course Isaac Kim did not ask him directly, he had John Kwon give the order. We had another brother who was ordered not to speak for 48 hours as punishment for giving some 'private' information. When he refused to "obey" this "training" he was screamed at by his "shepherd". He left UBF. Another brother because he was late to a meeting was ordered to hold a chair above his head. This he did, for about 15 minutes. Brian, I am witness to all of these things and more. Brian, do you believe this is proper treatment of God's people?


>>It is somewhat understandable that Brian in his
>>self-assumed role as UBF apologist makes many ex UBF
>>members (or should I say victims of UBF) very angry,
>>but some uttered their anger in postings which can be
>>considered personal attacks against him. I think such
>>personal attacks are counterproductive in every way.
>>They do neither help Brian nor anybody else. Therefore
>>I have deleted these postings.
>>I think most of us who know UBF from inside will agree
>>that many of Brian's claims about UBF, like the
>>existence of mutual submission or financial
>>accountebility in UBF, or the non-existence of
>>hierarchical authority or arranged marriages in UBF,
>>are plain wrong. But I think it is sufficient to focus
>>on these claims made and comment them, in an objective
>>and fair way.
>>Concerning personal behavior, it is much more helpful
>>to simply stick to the facts, such as "you have
>>written with a faked identity a few months ago, why
>>did you do that" than to completely bash somebody down
>>saying "you are a crooked person."
>>Please remember the rel=nofollow target=_blank >>href="http://www.voy.com/60734/8301.html">rules of
>>this forum, and please think whether your posting
>>will help anybody or rather create unneeded hostility.
>>Treat others in this forum in the same way as you want
>>others to treat you.
>>I hope everybody will agree with this.

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  • It's the victim's fault -- John, 10:14:14 10/13/04 Wed

  • Re: -- Brian Karcher, 10:29:52 10/13/04 Wed

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