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Date Posted: 13:04:41 10/13/04 Wed
Author: former
Subject: Re: Why is it so hard?
In reply to: Brian Karcher 's message, "Re: Why is it so hard?" on 12:40:31 10/13/04 Wed

>No, not as an organization. In other words, I do not think >UBF leaders should apologize for being a shepherding >church.

I do not believe I complained about them being a shepherding church. So, UBF has NOTHING to apologize to anyone for or to confess or to put right?

>I do not think UBF leaders need to apologize for teaching >obedience, commitment and discipline. I do not think UBF >needs to apologize for demanding believers to follow up on >the priestly duty God gave. I do not think UBF should >allow those churches or members back who reject these >things.

I don't believe I asked for apologies for THOSE things or even mentioned them. You know the things I mean.

>What are you referring to when you say "UBF"?

I am referring primarily to the board of directors and the chief executive officer but you should also include the chapter directors.

>UBF as an organization means very little to me.

That is convenient and opaque thing for you to say. The fact is it IS an organization.

>As I said once, if UBF were gone today, I would serve God
>as a shepherd tomorrow. Do you mean people? People in UBF
>have and do confess and repent of their sins. I have
>found most people in UBF to be quite reasonable.

So, UBF as an organization, and the individuals comprising the board of directors, the chief executive officer, and the chapter directors as INDIVIDUALS have no issues that they should address collectively that might have occurred in the past?

>Again, my claim is that if you have someone to reconcile >with, do it. Don't sit around and wait for some apology. >Be the first person to take the first step, humbly and >with a sincere heart. Go to that person without demands >and without malice and with a proper spirit. As the verse >you quote mentions, settle the matter quickly. Don't let >it foster as you harbor bitterness.

Well, I was thinking it was UBF that had the issues to confront. You don't think it has ANY issues it should confront as an organization?

>I will state this: If anyone has anything against me, and >I have sinned, tell me and I will repent and reconcile the >matter.

Brian, I am confused. Are you here on behalf of UBF or yourself? Are you interested in defending UBF or your self? You seem ambiguous. You acknowledge that UBF is an organization, but when it comes to the problems of abuse and how to deal with them you atomize the whole thing and relegate it to just differences among individuals that they must work out themselves. Am I right?

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