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Date Posted: 09:52:00 10/21/04 Thu
Author: Brother in Christ
Subject: Re: freedom to chose --NOT
In reply to: Jim St. L. 's message, "Re: freedom to chose --NOT" on 13:52:53 10/20/04 Wed


Mike, Nick and Jim. I agree with your points totally. There are a lot of manipulation that goes on. But i can say for some it was not like that. For whatever reason they never tried that with me. Maybe i was viewed as being to strong or too clear in my Christianity. In hindsight I am surprised they even let me marry. I can't explain why but they never tried any games with me.

Like i said in my first post I am not denying any of what is being said and can actually verify it is true. I also know of many cases of such games. The biggest one that comes to mind is wife candidate switching. One man was set to marry a certain woman and his shepherd did not like the girl. So his shepherd endlessly nagged the chapter director to let his sheep marry someone else and just days before the wedding they switched brides with somebody else. So two couples got switched days before the weddings.

And why the switch. It was because the shepherd felt this other wife candidate would be better at feeding sheep. How selfish. He was only worring about his fellowship numbers and not the happyness of this couple.

Well it turned out his marriage was a disaster and they ended up leaving UBF and divirced. The innocent couple left UBF but are still married.

My advise would be to be careful. Be strong from the beginning and never let them remotely think they could play games with you. If you want to marry make sure you know the person well and you call the shots. If they don't agree then I guess it means you should not do it!

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