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Date Posted: 12:07:13 10/29/04 Fri
Author: Shane
Subject: Re: Fundamental or Fundamentalist?
In reply to: Mike K. 's message, "Fundamental or Fundamentalist?" on 11:08:51 10/29/04 Fri

So, what you'd get is: Fundamentalism is:
"An intolerant individual or corporate system of beliefs, attitudes and practices, which irrationally rejects any alternatives."

Here is my definition of fundamental: "serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation;basic primary; elementary.

Here is the American common definition of "Fundamentalist": '(one)who accepts the Bible as literally true'.

Yes, I know the above definition is very broad. Let me give you a cultural context.

In America, the atheist, left wing socialist in America really hate Christians because we say the bible is the word of God. They hate us because we will not say gay marriage is ok. They hate us because we condemn abortion as murder. They hate us because we say people are accountable to God. They hate us because we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. They left so desperately wants us to justify their sinful life and the moral decay around us. But refuse to do it. Because of all these things, they say we are "intolerant". But truth be told it is usually the one screaming "intolerance" that is intolerant. And that is the case with the left in America. Through activist judges the left has been able to strip away numerous religious rights of Americans. We don't hate them, but they hate us. I could give you many examples of their perseuction of Christians. No, they are not throwing us to the lions, but that is the direction they are going in and that is the end result they secretly want.


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