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Date Posted: 17:44:30 07/14/04 Wed
Author: Nick T.
Subject: 10 ways that people try to control you

A list of simple techniques that people who are messing wiht you will use to control you. After reading this, it is obvious that ubfins are using all these techniques. Would you agree?

The Top 10 Ways That People Try To Control You
(and often succeed).

1) They pick someone who needs something that they have and then they
keep you dependent vs empowered.

2) They don't give complete answers to the questions you ask. They
need you to come back for more.

3) They play your insecurities about yourself, like a fiddle, causing
you to doubt yourself.

4) They keep you busy, directing your behaviors and focus and
attention where they want it.

5) They withhold/slowly dole out what you need most to make you feel
overly grateful (like a captive does for food).

6) They push-pull, which means that they are
generous/warm/interested/great sometimes and the
petty/cold/distant/cheapother times, with no explanation, warning or
sensitivity. This keeps you off-balance and worried about the worst of
what might happen.

7) They seduce you by offering carrots and then thinking that this
gives them the right to your life, energies, skills, focus.

8) They sulk, get bratty, overreact to minor errors you make, cause
you to get upset so they can blame you for your overreacting.

9) They put you in a dysfunctional role, usually that of a parent or
child that they had a tough time with earlier in their life. You are
triggered/guided to be this individual.

10) They want to know everything about you, watch your actions, need
to be kept fully informed about everything that you're thinking,
feeling or doing. If they ask too many questions and watch you too
hard, they are trying to control you.

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