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Date Posted: 15:29:15 08/11/04 Wed
Author: Truth seeker
Subject: lack of ethics=absolute attitude=overcoming humanistic ideas
In reply to: Nonny Moose 's message, "lack of respect for privacy and lack of ethics" on 10:26:06 08/11/04 Wed

>This looks like lack of respect for privacy AND lack
>of ethics to me on the part of another "honorable UBF
They(Ubfkoreans) used to say in India UBF,
What ever is good for g0ds (aka ubfkorean''s pocket money) ministry is ghoooooood.
They quote some odd topics from the BIBLE, like some prostitute in Jesus lineage(=>prostitution is good, if you can win some $$$$$heep thru that for the UBF.)
Killing is good(some one in old testament killed 300 ppl,(so character assasinate some rebels)
dont look for logic in UBF thinking and activities( because jesus did stupid things like taking mud and spitting on it and rub it on blind mans face to heal him)
break the law of the land( becaus e the paralytic mans friends broke the roof of some ones house and downloaded the paralytic guy to jesus)
more such crap..
what a shame,so called educated fall prey to these crooks .

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