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Date Posted: 11:27:27 12/10/04 Fri
Author: Brother in Christ
Subject: Re: a long list of falsehoods
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "a long list of falsehoods" on 10:10:06 12/10/04 Fri

I agree with each one. Right on Nick. It will be nothing but a big UBF lovefest. All talk about how UBF is a manger ministry and the devotion/legacy of Samuel Lee. How he turned a fatalistic country into a world power. (You all know the story).

But hey here is one thing nobody asked about. Why do you think this paper is writing the story. Is UBF really newsworthy? Hardly. Really think about it now, why? The only thing I can say is in all sincerity is: How much is UBF paying them. If they really rae writing the story this seems like nothing but a bribe to get some good publicity. I just know there is some bribery or mutual back scratching going on here. What do you think?

>Let's try to have some fun with this story. I am
>going to make some predictions here about SB's life
>testimony. You can make some of your own, then if and
>when it comes out, we can compare the predictions, and
>later we can dissect the story to separate fact from
>fiction from ommission. Does that sound interesting?
>My first prediction: there will be precious little of
>any new information about Barry's past life. In
>truth, we know nothing about either SB or EE Chang
>Woo. They did that on purpose. I predict that SB
>will follow the old pattern of recycling the old ubf
>stories, such as in her 'history' of ubf. The reason
>for this is that ubf was begun in a very shady way,
>utilizing shady and dubious methods, by shady and
>dubious people. SB is a shady and dubious person.
>My second prediction: Barry will tone down the ubf
>praiseologies alot, but will imbed enough within the
>story to satiate ubfins. For example, Barry will not
>be able to boast, "God began His redemptive work
>through ubf in Korea, and now ubfKoreans have
>evangelized all the nations of the world and trained
>all the world's leaders from the college students
>through one to one Bible study." No, she won't try to
>slip that one past the unsuspecting public, but she
>will imbed enough subliminal ubfspeak in order to
>rally the ubfins to think the world actually believes
>what they think about themselves. It will be very
>cleverly worded.
>Prediction 3: She will never address any of the
>massive failures at ubf. Failure is the most
>prevalent element of the ubf history. Remember '561
>fulltime American shepherds'? Well, they took their
>best shot and made about four. SB will focus only on
>the small successes of ubf, most of which are
>imaginary. She will not provide any kind of numbers
>that are meaningful, but will make outrageous boasts
>such as 'we have pioneered 187 nations'. This kind of
>posturing provides no meaningful measuring stick, as
>ubf does not want to be measured.
>Prediction 4: She will never admit or address any of
>the abuses at ubf such as the rampant adultery of ubf
>leaders, their love of money and power, their total
>lack of any qualities required to serve as Christian
>ministers, the number of lives and families the ubf
>has and continues to damage. I am wondering if SB
>could explain how ubf could pay for a divorce lawyer
>for one of their staff members, and order the
>destruction of a family with five children? I have
>never heard any explanation of why they are doing
>this. But they have done this many times before. If
>she can explain that, then I would be willing to read
>her story, otherwise I will not waste my precious
>I hope some others can make some predictions, and we
>can see which way SB goes and which one of her many
>faces (masks) she will show. God bless.

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