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Date Posted: 17:29:34 02/22/05 Tue
Author: Phillip Hayman
Subject: Re: TV Alert for Those in the Columbus, OH area
In reply to: Paul Thomas Evans 's message, "TV Alert for Those in the Columbus, OH area" on 20:52:26 02/20/05 Sun

Joe brought something to my attentions, so:

I would like to publicly say that while I was at Wellspring I was in no way forced to participate in that interview. They merely informed me that Channel 10 was doing a special report because of alleged abuse by UBF at Ohio State and that they would like to interview former members. In fact, the Wellspring staff was very careful to make sure that I could end the interview at any time and that they were nearby and accessible if I had any problems.

I decided that, because of the abuse in UBF, it was my obligation to stand up and say something so that more people won�t go into that organization where the great and holy name of Jesus is used to enslave idealistic and intelligent youths to another human�s will. We are to serve God, not men claiming to know God�s will for each of their �sheep�.

When my �shepherd� told me that I had to leave my Christian fianc�e because of some sin in our past that we were doing our best to deal with, I finally realized something was wrong. Thank God my bond with her was stronger than my enslavement to my �shepherd� and I was kept from making a terrible mistake.

I have heard that some people, after leaving Christian cults, become agnostic or atheist because they feel betrayed and cannot hope to know anything about God after being abused in His name. I have traveled down that same path a little way, but I know now that I have not believed in vain. I pray that all of those who were hurt by UBF and similar organizations (myself included) might know that just because men often cannot be trusted, Christianity is true, Jesus really is God, not some cult leader or deceiver, that He loves us enough to suffer and die for us, and that we can distort that all we want, but by believing in Him, we have eternal life, full stop.

I do not hate them, I have even forgiven them. They say they seek to do good, but by abusing in the name of God they only turn many away from Him or at least make them ineffectual. It is because of this that they must be apposed, not out of personal anger or revenge, but for the sake of those they hurt and the spiritual wellbeing of many.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Phillip Hayman

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