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Date Posted: 03:01:23 02/23/05 Wed
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Thoughts
In reply to: Forum co-admin 's message, "part 1 and 2 written page comment" on 15:52:54 02/22/05 Tue

I do agree with Chris that this statement is typical UBF propaganda and I'd also agree that this statement can probably expose UBF better than we could - however, they're using UBF loaded language so the outsider doesn't even fully realize the implications.

... UBF is an active member in many missionary and church groups in Korea
As, which? Shepherd A.B's house church, Shepherd A.C's house church, Shepherd A.C's house church, ... ?
Not only do UBF claim that they're pretty much the only group doing God's will properly (typical cult thing), I'd hardly ever see UBF coworking with other ministries, and when someone attends a church other than UBF, they're quickly being let know that they must "choose" (i.e. come to UBF). Also, UBF's constant bashing on how people didn't even know God before they came to UBF (even if they were active participants in their old congregations) does it's share here.

I've NEVER seen any UBF missionary go to an other denomination for any purpose.

the ministry was led by Koreans, there was much misunderstandings and suspicions
Well, let's blame it on the people who feel that way rather than on the people who caused these "misunderstandings" (no no, putting red peppers into your eyes is my expression of love for you, not me trying to dominate and abuse you) and "suspicious" (deceiving people and manipulating them is okay, but don't be suspicious about it, I have the best motives). Paul "became a Jew to the Jews, a Greek to the Greek, a Roman to the Romans" for the glory of the Gospel, the Koreans force Americans to adapt the Korean way and then blame those who are suspicious about their motives.

Some thought UBF was the Unification church
There's a fallacy sticking to this: "since we're not, we're okay", given a black+white world view, that may be okay but since Aum also isn't the Unification Church that should tell the observer clearly that it's not about "Unification church or not cult". The reference to the Moonies is pointless and probably a red herring.

Well, I don't know anythign about that which they're talking about, but "deprogramming" is usually not a horror scenario of breaking one's own will, but about re-eductaing a person to realize they HAVE a will. Most of all, how do those UBF members know what deprogramming is? Did they attend these "deprogramming sessions"? Did they EVER bother to understand the families who "deprogrammed" a beloved member? Or can they just call brine and sulfur for being robbed of a recruit whom to exploit?

attacks against UBF ministry have been based either on blatant racial prejudice against Koreans or misunderstandings of their culture
Point as above, they are stating "we're not missionaries in the style of the Bible, but in our own style, and people can't understand that in reality, we preach Koreanism but call it Christianity" - ridiculous.
Another thing, I think this takes the "reform movement" and RSQUBF out of the line of fire here since none of the issues that are being held on record there are based on either of the two factors but only based upon the righteous requirement of God's Word. Oh, I feel sorry to tell UBF that the Bible doesn't give Koreans a special place "where there cannot be Jew nor Greek nor Scythian nor Barbarian nor slave nor free man but CHRIST is all and in all". No, no privileges for Koreans to keep their culture!

RSQUBF tried to discredit UBF ministry
I think if pointing out their own history and their own facts about them is discrediting them, then UBF has discredited itself. It's not like a mirror is making people ugly.

bitter and angry ex-UBF members

Most ironically, they place the blame on those who left UBF but fail to mention at all WHY these people left, naaw no UBF is faultless, UBF abortions, divorces, beatings, coercions are no problem, but not going along with it could make one "bitter or angry"...

slanted, misrepresenting etc.
Well, then bother to correct us. Discuss with us, tell us WHICH part is slanted, let us know! Rather call others to be misrepresenting than bother to correct them, again, I see quite the Christian way here. Not?

people we loved dearly, coworked with
Forgetting it's a 2-way street. Their love and coworking was conditional, limited to the doors of the UBF chapters. It just so happens to be that this very statement is slanted, since behind our backs, they talk about us as "having left God" or "loving the world" and those things, when all we care for is loving God and the Truth.

We strive to live pure lives
Which means "Obey your Shepherd 100%", which means "talk trash about those who left UBF for any reason", which means "don't discuss the past", which means "Spend your time with endless sogam sessions and mind control trainings", which means "limit your perspective to Campus students, forget about all the others who need God's love as much", which means "Follow the spiritual heritage of Samuel Lee".... ?

We humbly thank God that many people's lives have been blessed through our ministry
Yes, amen. But: humbly? Let's use this "blessing" as an excuse for "nobody is perfect, but the fact that God uses us proves that we're God's Work, which means our abortions, divorces, adulerous affairs, exploitations, abuses are okay". Is that humble?

There's not ONE sentence that, understanding what UBF is, doesn't drive another nail into the coffin to prove that UBF is incurably cultic.

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  • Full of misrepresentation -- PECAS, 22:38:11 02/23/05 Wed

  • Re: Full of misrepresentation -- Chris, 02:50:00 02/24/05 Thu

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