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Subject: Maddog..The end is near....

Moon Glorious
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Date Posted: 21:49:07 12/13/01 Thu

::Maddog is sitting inside his office looking over some papers. He's had a long day of interviews and business meetings. He glances over at his answering machine. It reads: "7 messages." He presses play and grabs his pen and paper to write down important information. The machine beeps.::

Man - Hello. My name is Scott Jasons. I’m from the I.P.A., just calling to remind you to call our front offices to see about Bigsley. We talked about him earlier. So, give us a call.

::Beeep. Maddog writes it down. Beeep.::

Mysterious Voice - ::Silence. Maddog waits patiently.:: M..M..Mu...

::Beeep. Maddog looks at the machine strangely. Beep::

Business man - Mr. Dog, thank you for subscribing to Newsweek. I’m happy to inform you that you have been accpeted. You should be getting a magazine in a few short weeks. Once again, thank you. Good day, sir.

::Beep. Maddog smiles. Beep.::

Mysterious Voice - M, M, Mo- Moon -Muh.....

::Beep. Maddog looks in awe at the machine, wondering whom the man is on the phone. Beep.::

Woman - Hey, Doggy, this is Nikki. Thanks for dinner. I loved seeing you last night. Give me a call sometime. My number is 734-4944. Byee!

::Beep. Maddog smiles again. Beep.::

Man - Hey, Maddog! What the hell are you tryin to pull? Nikki’s my girl! I know where you live! I will come get you! I don’t care if y--

Maddog gulps as he fast-forwards the machine. Beep. The next message begins. It’s silent for a few seconds again.::

Mysterious Voice - M- Moon G- Mu- Moon Glo- ............::More silence. Then, in a clear but rugged voice.:: ...Moon Glorious.

::Beep. Maddog looks around; sweating. He senses danger and walks out of the room into the parking lot. As his limo pulls up he begins to open the door. A note is left on his seat. He reads it. “Maddog, your f###ing time is up! Moon Glorious is HERE!!!” Maddog gulps deep and yells to his driver to “floor it.” The scene fades to a commercial.::

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