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Date Posted: 10:30:42 02/01/02 Fri
Author: R. Adams
Subject: Interesting e-mail dialog on SotU speech and war

Here: http://slate.msn.com/?id=2061175&entry=2061452&device=

between David Brooks and Joe Klein (linked from www.andrewsullivan.com)


”Another nice thing about the State of the Union speech was the way it contradicted the polls—which indicated that Bush should focus on the economy. But if Bush wasn't speaking softly and carrying a big stick, he was doing something more appropriate for the moment. He was behaving in a Churchillian manner. He was jolting the country out of a creeping illusion of normalcy. He was giving a blood, sweat, and tears booster shot. He was galvanizing the public because in times of conflict, national morale is the resource the nation must depend on. Actually, by the bloodthirsty standards of most war speeches, I thought his speech was restrained.”

I posted this to the "other" forum, but it looks like Voy has succeeded in dividing and conquering.

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