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Date Posted: 16:37:55 02/21/02 Thu
Author: lurk
Subject: Dear Fellow American:

Dear Fellow American:

In the wake of September 11, why are the media so quiet about the role of Bill and Hillary Clinton in making America vulnerable to attack?

The liberal media have been almost completely silent about how the Clintons emasculated the American military, cutting it almost in half from the days of the Reagan buildup.

Worse, the Clintons allegedly told the CIA not to recruit spies, and reportedly the FBI was told to ignore illegal aliens training as plane-flying terrorists on American soil.

The scandal-plagued Clinton-Gore administration besmirched our country in the eyes of the world and impugned the integrity of America's political institutions.

I believe that the very real possibility exists that if the media had done their job and reported on the Clintons' abuses, 9-11 may never have happened. Instead, unbelievably, Bill Clinton is still treated as a celebrity and Hillary is talked about as a presidential candidate!

This might be laughable if we didn't remember how time and again the liberal media have gone to bat for them.

But there is one media organization that is unafraid to tell the truth - no matter what.

That media group is NewsMax, which publishes NewsMax.com and the fantastic monthly NewsMax magazine.

Edited by award-winning journalist Christopher Ruddy, NewsMax has broken so many stories and caused so many good things to happen, it's hard to list them all.

Regular NewsMax readers know that:

--Within 24 hours of 9-11, NewsMax broke the story about how the Clintons told the CIA it couldn't recruit spies in terrorist networks.

--NewsMax broke the story about New York's wacko PC plan to turn the faces of two of its heroic flag-raising firemen into the faces of an African American and a Hispanic. Days after NewsMax's story, city officials abandoned their ridiculous plans.

--When Dan Rather wouldn't cover the Gary Condit story, NewsMax headlined his censorship. Within days CBS forced Rather to report the news.

--When the liberal press tried to help Gore steal the 2000 election, NewsMax alone exposed rampant Democratic voter fraud in Florida. I believe NewsMax played a role in turning the tide for Bush.

There are many more big NewsMax stories I could list.

It's no wonder NewsMax has become the No. 1 independent news source online and is driving the liberal media crazy.

That's why it is vitally important to make sure NewsMax continues to grow. That's why I encourage online users to go to NewsMax.com and everyone to get NewsMax magazine. And it also why I am writing for your help today.

NewsMax is the only independent news source in America and the only one prominently promoting the vision of Ronald Reagan. Simply put, that vision is: less government, strong families, strong defense and more freedom.

Most Americans still believe in that vision.

But the doctrinaire left-wing media hate these ideals.

That's why it's important we bypass the big media.

Unfortunately, the liberal media won't mention NewsMax and its magazine. They are afraid that if too many Americans get their news unfiltered, "mainstream" media will lose their influence and control.

That's why I am writing to you today about a most important project.

NewsMax is launching a special "Reach America" program.

"Reach America" is very simple: We plan to get NewsMax magazine on the shelves of the more than 7,000 public libraries in America.

Last year Americans made more than 1 billion visits to their local libraries. If NewsMax magazine is in every library, millions will be able to read NewsMax's uncensored news.

They will read my hard-hitting columns, as well as others from Christopher Ruddy, Bill O'Reilly, David Limbaugh, Carl Limbacher, Dan Frisa, Thomas Sowell and many others.

You can help NewsMax with its "Reach America" library program.

By donating a subscription to your local library, you will help educate your neighbors and young people - and help preserve the vision of Ronald Reagan.

As an added benefit, any donation of a book or magazine subscription to a public library is tax-deductible.

NewsMax estimates it needs $200,000 to get its magazine into every library in America. That's not a large amount to reach millions over the course of the next year.

And we expect many libraries will see the value of NewsMax magazine and renew each year.

I believe so much in this program, I am sending gift subscriptions to NewsMax magazine to several libraries here in Los Angeles and to my father's hometown library in Dixon, Illinois.

I strongly encourage you to join with me and NewsMax in this important project.

You've probably heard my father's inspiring description that America is "a shining city upon a hill," which he said so often.

Like you and me, he believed in America's greatness.

It's up to us to continue to make sure the torch is passed to all Americans and to future generations of Americans.

You can make a difference.
Yours for America,

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