Subject |
Author |
Date |
Imperia Online Hack.rar | cereaniel | 17:34:28 01/23/14 Thu |
Drolet Quebec singles photos | Donna | 05:43:48 01/26/03 Sun |
Since this one has so sadly died on us all.... | Caitlin | 16:50:20 06/30/02 Sun |
<_< dude.. (NT) | Magg and Morra's player SARAH | 19:44:11 05/26/02 Sun |
Cait, I need your help. | Coca Cola | 05:17:45 05/14/02 Tue |
ANYONE HERE? (NT) | Sarah (Player Of Many) | 12:30:39 04/12/02 Fri |
Oh, I feel awful! | Nicky | 04:28:24 05/04/02 Sat |
GRRRRR..............STUPID MOVING!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Kiarai's playa. | 04:41:26 03/01/02 Fri |
I'M ALIVE -crawls out from a hole- (NT) | Morra, Magg, and the others | 13:33:12 03/26/02 Tue |
HELLO!?!?!?!?! Where is everyone???? | Kiarai | 00:50:55 03/11/02 Mon |
-growls- Who here plays Jewel? -eyes full of rage- If there even is some one here by that name... | Ericott | 06:52:20 03/02/02 Sat |
ATTENTION ALL RESIDENTS >> ((again, sorry about the mishap.)) | Olivia | 14:38:19 02/27/02 Wed |
- RSVP((all my char)) -- Maggie, Morra, Soren, and Marc., 15:32:28 02/27/02 Wed
- i can come -- Lio, Arielle, Song, Moony and lotz o others, 14:58:33 02/28/02 Thu
ATTENTION, ALL RESIDENTS!>> | Olivia | 17:43:14 02/22/02 Fri |
~She remembers the other dresses.~ | Olivia | 17:31:57 02/22/02 Fri |
- Kiarai?? -- Olivia, 13:51:25 02/24/02 Sun
- >> -- Olivia, 14:26:52 02/24/02 Sun
~She enters, her hair cascading around her delicate face.~ | Gwendolyn | 14:42:32 02/24/02 Sun |
~She prances in, showing her giddy feeling without even trying to hide it. She was so excited for the big day.~ Kiarai! I have found it! My dress! | Olivia | 16:57:52 02/22/02 Fri |
Still not having a home the boy lays down silently. | Soren | 11:06:29 02/19/02 Tue |
*she fly's in and looks for her friend Arielle.* | Anna | 17:53:18 01/19/02 Sat |
If there is a person here who plays a character named Anna, please read this. | Olivia's Player | 12:27:02 02/20/02 Wed |
Kattie and I will be going on an adventure (NT) | Kiarai | 13:43:03 02/17/02 Sun |
joining | Sandra | 16:32:08 02/13/02 Wed |
A tanned teen boy sits on a tree branch of a willow tree. | Soren | 18:33:11 02/11/02 Mon |
*He enters, landing on the ground with a small cloud of dust surrounding him. He comes forward and introduces himself.* | Nideus | 14:13:29 02/11/02 Mon |
Happy Valentines Day.. | Magg and Morra | 09:44:15 02/14/02 Thu |
Sandra, how do you like this picture?? | Caitlin, Olivia's Player | 19:02:52 02/13/02 Wed |
~She looks around for Kiarai.~ Kiairai, is it you who is looking for a companion for an adventure? If so, I would be honored to accompany you. ~She awaits the reply~ (NT) | Bethany | 14:05:46 02/13/02 Wed |
Two fairies fly in One Male One Female | Siana(girl) and Nicky | 06:12:38 12/23/01 Sun |
Julienna flutters in shyly, carrying her sweet child in her hands, "Mayla, I think we've finally found our home." | Julienna and Mayla | 16:58:02 02/07/02 Thu |
Mayla's pic | Mayla's player | 14:10:22 02/08/02 Fri |
Mayla's pic | Mayla's player | 14:08:47 02/08/02 Fri |
~She looks around for Brianna.~ | Olivia | 13:01:47 02/07/02 Thu |
Julienna's pic | Julienna's player | 12:29:25 02/08/02 Fri |
::She enters solemnly and quietly.:: | Jessebelle | 13:17:03 02/07/02 Thu |
Bri rushes in, "I'm so bored. When's the next party?". | Bri | 05:02:30 02/07/02 Thu |
She walks in and looks around | Krysta | 12:46:34 02/02/02 Sat |
- Pic -- Krysta, 13:04:00 02/02/02 Sat
- pic -- Krysta, 13:05:11 02/02/02 Sat
I just fluttered back in from my long vacation. I just visited my fairy nana who's wings were ruined when goblins attacked. | Bri | 12:41:07 01/29/02 Tue |
GO PATS, GO PATS! WHO"S THE GREATEST TEAM IN THE SUPERBOWL? PATS, PATS, PATS, PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (NT) | Krysta's playa | 02:47:28 02/04/02 Mon |
I have left on an adventure. Kattie will accompany me. We are looking for another fairy to join us. If you wish to join us, we will be preparing at the light board. (NT) | Kiarai | 04:02:29 02/03/02 Sun |
Cymbeline and I have decided to go on an adventure. We will be back soon enough. ~She flies off.~ (NT) | Olivia | 15:16:22 02/02/02 Sat |
Dum Dum Dum.. | Marc | 02:30:22 02/01/02 Fri |
Join | Marc | 15:50:13 01/29/02 Tue |
A MESSAGE TO ALL FAIRIES INTERESTED IN ADVENTURES - Inside please! | Olivia's Player | 15:08:15 01/30/02 Wed |
IMPORTANT MESSAGE AT ABSENT PLAYERS LIST FOR ALL PLAYA'S AT FC. (NT) | Kiarai's playa | 17:20:47 01/29/02 Tue |
back.. | Tinka | 15:43:00 01/29/02 Tue |
~She rises confidently and says,~ I have another daughter! Princess Brianna, daughter of Queen Olivia, sister of Princesses Song and Moony. An addition to the royal family has been made! ~She smiled at everyone and looked around for Song and Moony.~ (NT) | Olivia | 13:34:10 01/29/02 Tue |
ummm.. | playa | 13:04:11 01/26/02 Sat |
- >>> -- Olivia's Player, 13:05:13 01/27/02 Sun
- ~~~ -- Kiarai, 03:07:22 01/28/02 Mon
4 Zac only. | someones playa | 17:50:58 01/22/02 Tue |
- Um...> -- Olivia's Player, 14:01:34 01/24/02 Thu
Entrance | Cymbeline | 15:38:59 01/25/02 Fri |
*Blushes* | Magg and Morra | 10:28:58 01/21/02 Mon |
~She swoops in.~ Liz, I have a few pictures for you to choose from. | Olivia | 16:29:22 01/15/02 Tue |
Joining | Erika | 09:30:44 01/12/02 Sat |
~She swoops in.~ Liz, I have a few pictures for you to choose from. | Olivia | 16:28:15 01/15/02 Tue |
this is my picture | Liz | 08:10:02 01/13/02 Sun |
Picture | Erika | 12:10:00 01/12/02 Sat |
this is my new picture | Arielle | 16:41:24 01/12/02 Sat |
ATT | Sarah(Morra and Maggie) | 15:26:11 01/09/02 Wed |
Joining | Brianna | 14:54:58 01/04/02 Fri |
*a tall, fair fairy lass, enters. Slwo beats of her monarch wings, hold her inches from the ground* | Palyiace | 17:34:08 01/09/02 Wed |
Kiarai, which picture do you like best of me?? | Olivia | 15:41:37 01/08/02 Tue |
Brianna, I found a picture for you. Just like you said - but there weren't many with long curly hair. Take a look and tell me what you think. If you don't like it, tell me, and I'll find another.>>> | Olivia | 15:33:16 01/04/02 Fri |
My stats got deleted last time I joined | Tinka | 12:44:58 01/05/02 Sat |
2morrow im havin mi b-day party@ the lights.every1's invited (NT) | Sara | 13:59:51 01/05/02 Sat |
im cin if this works | Arielle | 10:53:25 01/05/02 Sat |
im cin if this works | Arielle | 10:44:14 01/05/02 Sat |
the fairy flys in, her brown hair over her shoulder. she looks for her friend, Arielle* | Liz | 13:11:49 01/04/02 Fri |
She strides in. | Golden Flame | 15:37:15 01/03/02 Thu |
Sexy Metals Sunglasses? | Joan | 02:16:34 01/03/02 Thu |
Morra is back up for adoption (NT) | Morra's player | 20:49:12 01/01/02 Tue |
2 day & 2morrow i will be having my b-day party.every1 is welcome! | Lio | 12:38:54 01/01/02 Tue |
I leave for 3 hours and I am totally lost! Freak it! (NT) | Kiarai | 12:48:47 12/29/01 Sat |
Happy New Years | Morra and Maggie | 18:02:09 12/31/01 Mon |
EVERYONE>>>>>>>>>>>>>.. | Maggie | 14:49:18 12/31/01 Mon |
EVERYONE!! I would like to draw your attention to the intro. Magg's Player has given me yet another idea.> | Olivia | 17:53:48 12/30/01 Sun |
good game inside, looking fora dark king or queen | ... | 11:17:02 12/30/01 Sun |
i changed my pic | Arielle | 05:08:06 12/30/01 Sun |
Zac, I found only two. You were right, it is difficult to find male pictures of fairies. But tell me which, if any, one you desire most. | Olivia | 16:12:08 12/29/01 Sat |
~She walks in, afraid and alone. She heads toward the adoption center, hoping to find a family.~ ((Stats at Adoptions)) (NT) | Lydia | 17:17:06 12/29/01 Sat |
Siana & Nicky, I don't know why you two aren't active, but I found you a picture anyway. I thought it to be so adorable, it reminded me of you both. How you're so in love. Take a look, if you're around, and tell me if you like it.> | Olivia | 16:13:56 12/29/01 Sat |
He flys in. Copper wings beating on the air. | Maggie | 12:40:21 12/29/01 Sat |