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Subject: A tanned teen boy sits on a tree branch of a willow tree.

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Date Posted: 18:33:11 02/11/02 Mon

His blue eyes scanning down on the ones below him. Feeling father small, beening only 13. Sighing deeply, he flops off of the tree. Hovering above the ground, only inches away. His teal,yellow and orange wings beat softly on the air. Making a sweet padded song, along with the tune he was humming softly. The place seemed quite welcomeing, the soft sun, the lighting. Even the flowers and grass seemed to greet the boy. His face was a quite odd looking color, compared to the rest of the faries. He thought so very much, he was from a diffrant side of the world than the rest of them. He didn't know where he was born, or yet, he knew nothing. Almost nothing. About is past, but only remebered it in small haunting visons. Shaking a quite diffrent story from his head. He moves on, wanting to see the rest of this place.

Full Name: Soren Sen
Nick name: Soren
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Brillent Blue
Hair Color: Dull Blonde
Skin Color: Tanish
Wing Color: Teal
Wing Patterns: Teal swirled with yellow and orange.
Height: 5"5
Weight: 100pounds
This fun-loving fairy is a treat to any young girl's heart. If she is willing to let the past of his life,slide behind her. Soren is a sweet fairy, loving t'wards animals. Half-way into his 'girl' stage. He dislikes fairies who always chat about them selfs or thing they have done. Bragging will get on this young fairy's brain, but he won't say anything to them.
A rather tradgic past, witch rather be kept a secret. Many things are better, untold

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~She flies up gracefully and smiles delicately.~ Welcome to the land of the fairies. Please, choose a territory to live in and make yourself at home. Perhaps you would like to visit the adoptioins board beforehand though. ~She smiled again and looked around.~ Do you like it here? (NT)Olivia09:44:19 02/12/02 Tue

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