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Subject: ~She enters, her hair cascading around her delicate face.~

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Date Posted: 14:42:32 02/24/02 Sun

~She lands softly on the ground and looks about. She has heard word about a royal wedding here in the lands of the fairies. She is quite new to these lands, but still she wonders if she will be able to attend. She loves weddings. It is beautiful here, she decides. She will stay here, for she enjoys the company of the flowers and nature here.~

Name: Gwendolyn
Nickname: --- (She does not like the nickname Gwen.)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance: She is a delicate young fairy. Her complexion is milky white and her hair is light in color. She has glowing white wings and she carries herself in such a way that makes her look like the most lovely thing on this side of the fantasy world. Her brilliant eyes shine in the light of the sun.
Personality: She is very fun to be with, and extremely lovable. She has not found her perfect mate yet, but she is looking. She loves nature, especially flowers and trees. Animals are another one of her soft spots. Her friendly nature is one that is embraced by any and all of her friends.

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I have forgotten my picture.Gwendolyn's Player14:43:48 02/24/02 Sun

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