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Date Posted: 23:03:49 04/19/02 Fri
In reply to: Caitlin 's message, ">>>(Ya this is long so be prepared...)>>>" on 16:22:48 04/05/02 Fri

Well, ms. Irish Dancer-Nutcracker fairy, good luck! I'm starting irish, modern, scottish and ballet dancing. I have no idea why, but it improves your balance and strengthens your arms and legs, so my phys-ed and singing teachers say I should. Bugger them!!!!!! They aren't paying for it!!!!!

I was chatting to Marc last week, sorry I missed you. Hope this vacation has been a nice one. He really is such a liar! Ask him why and tell him I said so.

HOW WAS THE PLAY???? I BET IT WAS AWESOME!!!! PAT? IN TIGHTS? I should have been there to c it!!!!!!! Don't worry about annie(<---- notice no capital, 'cause she sure ain't no proper noun!), she always over does it. She did it last year too. She only gets the parts because she's one of Ms. Cayote's favs., she has limited acting ability!

I've stared wearing and buying familiar clothes to me, it was a weird feeling looking in the mirror and not recognizing myself!

THIS IS FOR YOUR EYES, EARS AND TOUGUE ONLY!!!!!!! PLEASE DO NOT TELL ANYONE AT IMS!!!!!!! CHECK YOUR E_MAIL FOR THE CODE BREAKER!!!!! K okijv dg xkukvkpi KOU kp uqqp!!!!!!!! but I want it to be a surprise if/when I do. Please don't say anything!

Have you said anything to Jimmy? wat's the update on that front?

P.S. Why did Nat give Pat a nickname, did he join the table? Or is she sweet on him or something?

g2g, I hate the fact that you pay for internet here!!!!!!
~Cola Melody
\V/ (fox) lol

>Ya, I'll tell u everything about everything, ok? LoL.
>Well, the opening night of the play is tonight. I'm
>going with Catherine, Christy, Lynsey, and Natalie
>tomorrow night. Pat has to wear TIGHTS!!!!!!!!! LoL
>it's so funny!!!!! He's so fitting for the role of the
>prince though. He's so adorable in his little pumpkin
>bloomers and white tights and puffy hat and cape
>LoL... Of course, Annie, being Cinderella, is all
>snooty and everything. She really overdoes her part.
>You know how we get a half-hour sneek peak during
>school the day of the opening night? Well we had that
>today, and Annie really does overdo her part. But
>lemme tell ya!! Alexi is doing a wonderful job as the
>evil step sister!! Everyone is doing a great job,
>except Annie. I'm sure I only say that because I
>loathe her. I cannot wait to see it. Oh ya, I
>almost forgot to tell ya, Elaina is a dancer, and she
>is doing a WONDERFUL job!! At one point she has to be
>out there with only 3 other girls, and she is in the
>center! I don't blame her for being so nervous! The
>poor thing had to dance in front of the entire school
>practically alone! But she looked really pretty. She
>had ribbons braided into her hair and everything.
>Mr. Belle continues to insist that Jimmy gives up his
>"babyish" nickname, and start being called either
>James or Jim, because as Mr. Belle puts it, "Jimmy" is
>too "childish" of a name for a boy who is going into
>high school next year. But I honestly think that the
>name Jimmy totally fits his character, not James or
>Jim, know what I mean? Just like the name Patrick
>doesn't seem fitting for Pat because of his
>Natalie is giving all of us food nick names. She is
>Honey, I am Sugar Plum, Christy is Dumplin, Pat is
>Frosting (for some reason,) and there are more. It's
>You should be thankful that you aren't here to have
>music with us. Ms. Cayot is a real bitch and no one
>likes her. In fact, I hate her. Just like I hate Mrs.
>MacLeod. Mrs. MacLeod has really changed since we
>first had her for a math teacher. She is always in a
>bad mood and she rolls her eyes and walks away from
>you if you ask for help on something.
>I have an Irish step recital coming up in June. I am
>so nervous about it!! But it is only 3 days after I go
>see Riverdance in Boston on Broadway with my Mom, so I
>guess that could be a good thing. I can get ideas from
>the dancers in Riverdance. I am sooooooooooo nervous,
>even if the recital is so far off.
>Do you know how much I am going to miss Jimmy and Pat
>when they leave for high school??!! I am going to miss
>them both so much. Pat is going to Whittier, and
>Jimmy, as you know, is going to Pingree. WHY I ASK!?
>WHY??!! LoL, so many people are leaving. Like Chad,
>Emma, Jimmy, Pat, Megan Monte, Katie Smith, Caitlin
>McCarthy, and more. I'm just thankful that Natalie,
>Catherine, Lexi, Matt Holland, and all them are
>staying so I won't be left all alone, LoL.
>Okay I think I'm done, geez this was longer than I
>planned for it to be. Well hey, it's been too long
>since I've conversed witcha, so don't be mad at me.
>LoL, sorry about the delay. tty.
>~Caitlin Marie
>Miss ya! :o)

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Subject Author Date
Well then...>Caitlin17:32:30 04/20/02 Sat
  • dang -- Caitlin, 17:33:32 04/20/02 Sat

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