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~Land of Lace~

You are strolling about, exploring the light territories, when you come upon one of the prettiest. It is called Land of Lace. You look around to see dew drops covering leaves and branches, making the forest look very much like a blanket of lace has covered it. You are impressed with it's beauty and decide to explore further. You are satisfied and relaxed by strolling through the first light territory. Perhaps you would like to stay.*A beautiful fairy flys to you*Hello. I'm Arielle, Alpha mare of the lights and this land.*she flys back to her favorite tree, a big willow*Do you stay or do you go off to somewhere else?

*Lead Female:* Arielle
*Lead Male:* ---
*Lead Daughter:*Morra

Backup Female*:*Sara*
Backup Male*:Zac

Alpha Female:
Alpha male:Lio

*Beta Female:* ---
*Beta Male:* ---

*Sigma Female:* ---
*Sigma Male:* ---

*Other Females:*

*Other Males:*

*Morra*(adopted by Arielle)
*Yuna*(adopted by Arielle)


News: Welcome to all new Light Fairies! Please join at the fairy's joining board if you are planning upon staying here.

*Back to the Fairy's Main Board*

Subject Author Date
"Um what happened?" (NT)Chante14:10:51 12/28/01 Fri
What happened? (NT)Kiarai14:48:40 12/28/01 Fri
who ever is in this tt look at this!Arielle05:06:33 12/29/01 Sat
"Who cleared all the messages!" (NT)Morra14:04:19 12/28/01 Fri
Fort Liard Northwest Territories matchmaking, Fort Liard Northwest Territories local personalsArlene22:31:17 02/17/05 Thu
Crack SimpleLPR 2 2 9gerhani12:03:12 01/23/14 Thu

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