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Subject: Hey Everyone! Hope all had a nice week...

Mercedes (comments about the Repubs new CD inside...)
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Date Posted: Sun, December 28, 2008 5:45:27

It's hard to believe that a year ago I was enjoying my honeymoon in Niagara Falls, New York and then ringing in 2008 at Times Square in New York City. My husband and I celebrated a nice, quiet 1st Wedding Anniversary on the 23rd, then a nice, quiet Christmas at home.

I am really impressed how the Repubs are going at Barack Obama even before he puts his hand on the bible (Lincoln's bible--what a wonderful idea--a Good Democrat taking the oath of office as President using the bible that a Great Republican used to take his oath as President. I LOVE Abraham Lincoln--the Best President in US History :)

"Star Spanglish Banner", "John Edward's Poverty Tour", "Barack the Magic Negro"--all part of the new CD that the Repubs are passing around. Ever get the feeling that the Repubs don't like anyone who isn't a 'conservative christian'? I am not really offended by the songs on the CD (nothing new that Repubs love to smear and are racists) but I am offended that Repubs continue to proclaim that they and ONLY they are 'christians'. I want Nothing to do with their brand of 'christianity'!

I read that Rush Limbaugh has said that it is the Democrat's fault about the state of the US economy--the Dems Deliberately caused the economic downfall so they could get back the White House this year. Is old Rush back on the drugs again? I guess he's just another typical Repub--blame Everyone but your own party and your own corrupt politicians when things don't go your way.

I hope that everyone remembers WHO was president when all this stuff started hitting the fan. Mr. Bush and his White House gang will go down in History as the Absolute Worst Presidency and US Cabinet in History! Supporting DEregulation, thus resulting in the $700 BILLION (and still growing) giveaway to Wall Street; giving more to the 'haves and have mores' while the rest of us have lost so much, not only financially, but our love of this great country has been dealt a heavy blow; starting an UNNECESSARY and ILLEGAL war against a country that had--for the LAST TIME--NOTHING to do with September 11, 2001; Bush signing over 1,100 'signing statements' so that he doesn't have to obey any of the laws he's just signed for the rest of us to obey; having a Vice prez who admits, on National TV(!) that he approved of torture, that he approved of invading Iraq, even if there were no WMDs, that he approved of everything that has happened in his corrupt White House (no wait, Cheney doesn't work at the White House, nor at Capitol Hill--he's the first Vice prez that doesn't know where he works, just that he works in Washington, DC); etc...

Barack Obama cannot and should not be blamed for Anything that the Bush Administration has done to us and our country. And if people start whining and complaining that Obama hasn't fixed all the messes Bush is leaving him fast enough, then I'm going to tell them to remember it took Bush almost 8 years to destroy this country; so it will probably take Obama 8 years to try and mend this country!


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