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Subject: Peggy, what beautiful pictures of Miss Scarlett!

Mercedes (Small message for Tommy inside)
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Date Posted: Sun, January 25, 2009 8:02:31

Thank you for e-mailing the pics. It reminds me so much of when I was a new mother, way back in 1987. It's so hard to believe my son Chato will be 21 years old this year! I think I did a good job of raising him--he's never been arrested, never been in a gang, never had trouble with him in school (except for a few boyhood 'shoves' with other little boys in elementary school), not too many 'teenage' quarrels with me, always respected my husband, a good friend and caring person to el Viejo (our elderly landlord-who is like a grandfather to Chato), good grades in school (B average).

Tommy, I'm disappointed in you and your words. Remember--President Obama did not choose his parents--just like the rest of us did not have the choice. So don't be so angry because he isn't your 'favorite' color.

By the by, I thought it was so interesting that one of the 'enemy combatants' that was released from Gitmo is now a major player with Al Qaida. My question is:
If this man was so dangerous, why was he released? Why would Bush have him arrested, kept in Gitmo, then sent back to the Middle East? Something is not right about this situation...

I look forward to this coming week as the Republicans try to stampede their way in Congress. It's not going to work. Sen. Cornyn, who is from my state of Texas (I sure didn't vote for him), is doing the childish thing of trying to oppose everything the Democrats are wanting to do to fix our country. He thinks if he is aggressive and takes a stand that the Republicans will win favor again and gain a majority in the 2010 elections. The only thing he's going to do is to make More people wish the Republican party would either disappear or shut up and get with the rest of us on making the right decisions about all our futures. Cornyn is displaying frustration and 'sour grapes' and is just confirming what I've always believed--that Republicans are the party of RWF(Rich White Folks) and the rest of us can drop dead. The only satisfaction I'm going to get is to watch the Republicans rant and rave and jump up and down in exasperation, while the rest of us just yawn at them... :)

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Re: Be sure more pictures will come. Duke and I can't stop ourselves!PeggySun, January 25, 2009 12:51:07

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